Matthew Barnett, pastor and CEO of the Dream Center in Los Angeles, California, is seeing incredible spiritual hunger in the wake of devastating California wildfires that...
The Franklin Fire has ravaged Malibu, California. As of Sunday, the fire has burned 4,037 acres, destroyed 19 structures, and damaged 27. Crews have contained it...
Pastor Greg Laurie has helped lead tens of thousands of people to the Christian faith, calling his decades in ministry a true “privilege.” “I can’t believe...
Pastor Greg Laurie of Harvest Christian Fellowship in California is celebrating another massive baptism turnout at Pirates Cove. It’s the latest sign that the nationwide move...
Former Southern Baptist Convention President J.D. Greear, a pastor based in Durham, North Carolina, explained this month he is “convictionally opposed” to a ban on female...
Police and fire chaplains in Carlsbad, California have been ordered to stop praying in the name of Jesus. Pastor JC Cooper has served as a volunteer...
When it comes to evangelism, Pastor Greg Laurie has seen — and done — it all. From packed-out stadiums to his popular weekly services at Harvest...
Texas:Franklin Graham is preaching in Eagle Pass Wednesday night, his 4th stop in a 10-city evangelistic tour along the southern border. Graham says he’s not talking...
This year we witnessed a powerful move of the Holy Spirit across college campuses, beaches, prisons, and churches – so much so that 2023 could be...
A group of Christian parents have filed a lawsuit against California over a charter school policy prohibiting the inclusion of religious materials in homeschool study programs....