India – According to Morning Star News, a Christian family in India’s Uttar Pradesh state was assaulted and falsely charged with forced religious conversions by a...
India – A widow and her four children in India were kicked out of their home after family members discovered she had gone to a Christian...
Nigeria– On July 7th Boko Haram, a terrorist group in Africa, attacked communities in Adamawa State, Nigeria, killing no fewer than 20 people. Daily Sun reported...
Iran – In the wake of Iran’s most recent elections that led to former Judiciary Chief Ebrahim Raisi becoming president, the church in Iran is likely...
A radical Muslim has confessed to police in Uganda that he killed a 70-year-old pastor earlier this month because of Allah’s word to kill all infidels...
Pakistan– According to the Pakistan Christian Post, a Christian mother of five was abducted on April 1st, 2021, and spent 20 days in captivity while being...
International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that by May 8, 2021, two Christian villages in Iraq’s Dohuk Province were reportedly abandoned because of Turkish bombardments. Kesta...
Saudi Arabia – On April 22, a Saudi Christian convert, whose name is withheld for security reasons, was acquitted on theft charges. The Muslim Background Believer...
India – According to Morning Star News, a Christian family in India’s Jharkhand state has been confined to their home for months after being accused of...
Nigeria– According to Vanguard News, suspected Boko Haram terrorists launched an attack over the weekend which killed seven and displaced thousands from Adamawa state, northeastern Nigeria....