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Protests erupt in Iran over water crisis; three people were killed in a shooting

Three people including a police officer were reportedly killed as protests erupted in Iran’s southwestern province of Khuzestan over water shortages.
There were reports of anti-government protests in Tehran as the country faces the worst drought in 50 years accelerating the water crisis with the economy already hit by US sanctions and the coronavirus pandemic.
Reports said the protests have been going on for the past six days amid reports of Internet slowdown and backouts in the country.
Last week Iran’s state media had reported a protester was shot in Shadegan town with protests taking place in other parts including in Ahvaz, Hamidiyeh, Izeh and Mahshahr.
The country’s social media has witnessed heightened activity over the water crisis with #KhuzestanIsThirsty and #KhuzestanHasNoWater trending on various platforms.
Khuzestan has been hit with persistent drought leading to protests in towns since last week. Two years ago the province was hit by mass anti-government protests.
The country has faced repeated droughts in the last 10 years with severe situation in the south.
Reports had claimed the government had sent a delegation comprising of ministers to Khuzestan to tackle the water shortage problem last week amid protests.
Local media had reported last week a youth was shot during the second night of protests during a rally as rioters reportedly shot in the air which allegedly hit the protester even as people chanted slogans against the government.
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10 New Apostolic Reformation myths

Over the past decade, the term New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) has become a buzzword in certain Christian circles, often used as a pejorative label by left-leaning reporters, theologians, denominational leaders, and some parachurch ministries.
Originally coined by Dr. Peter Wagner to describe a global movement of independent charismatic churches embracing apostolic leadership, the term has since been misapplied to many leaders, movements, and ideologies — many of which bear little resemblance to Wagner’s original definition.
The following are 10 common myths about the NAR.
1. Everyone who uses the term ‘apostolic’ is part of the NAR
One of the biggest fallacies is that anyone who embraces the term “apostolic” or who leads a network of churches is automatically part of the NAR. However, Scripture clearly defines apostolic ministry (Eph. 4:11) and has existed for 2,000 years. Throughout church history, leaders have recognized apostolic functions without subscribing to the extreme caricatures associated with NAR. The term apostolic refers to a biblical pattern of leadership and mission, not a centralized movement. Furthermore, the office of Bishop became the term used starting in the second century by most Christian movements to describe apostolic succession. Hence, even though they usually did not use the term “apostle,” they still believed in apostolic ministry and never negated the fivefold ministry in the Western and Eastern Church.
2. The NAR is an organized global movement like a denomination
Critics of NAR often present it as a structured, hierarchical organization with a unified doctrine and leadership. In reality, there is no central governing body, no universal statement of faith, and no formal organizational structure that unites so-called NAR leaders. While some apostolic networks exist, they usually function independently, with no singular authority governing them.
3. USCAL has authority over all those who are considered NAR in the USA
Some online critics mistakenly claim that the United States Coalition of Apostolic Leaders (USCAL), which I founded in 2013, is the hub of the NAR. (I transitioned out of leading it in January 2023) This assertion is false. First, USCAL was intentionally structured as a horizontal association, not an authoritarian vertical body. We never adhered to some of the extreme characterizations of NAR and even took a stand against them. Many national leaders commonly associated with NAR have never been part of USCAL, and I have no personal relationship with most of them. Thus, when a person associated with the so-called NAR is embroiled in a controversy, heresy, or scandal, USCAL has no ecclesial authority to discipline them or remove them from ministry. The only ecclesial authority USCAL has is to remove someone from its membership ranks.
4. The NAR is a new movement originating from the USA
Many assume that NAR is an American export, but its roots trace back to independent church movements in Africa and Asia in the early 20th century. Wagner noted that the apostolic movement gained significant traction in the Global South, where indigenous leaders established self-governing, self-sustaining churches outside Western denominational structures. Today, many of the fastest-growing apostolic movements exist in Latin America, Africa, and Asia, demonstrating its global nature.
5. All so-called apostles try to exert authority over churches and pastors
Apostolic leadership, as described in the New Testament, is not about hierarchical control but about servant leadership and spiritual fathering. While some may abuse the title, most apostolic leaders I know operate with humility and a heart to serve. They do not demand submission from pastors but instead, seek to equip and empower local churches. Just as in the early church, true apostolic leaders today function relationally, not as authoritarian rulers.
6. The NAR promotes Dominionism and political takeover
One of the most exaggerated myths is that the so-called NAR movement seeks to take over governments and establish a theocracy. While some individuals within the broader charismatic world may unfortunately use the term “dominion” to describe cultural influence, the mainstream global movement is far from advocating unlawful political takeovers. (However, in a democracy, they have as many rights as every other citizen: to advocate for their own values, encourage people to vote, and promote a candidate and political party of their choice.)
However, cultural influence that comports with Scripture is about reaching every person in every sphere of society through love, service, and moral influence—not coercive control. The Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20) calls the church to focus on making disciples, not on seizing political power.
7. Apostolic leaders teach extra-biblical revelation
Some critics claim that all NAR apostles believe in receiving new, authoritative revelation equal to Scripture. While prophetic insight is a biblical reality, responsible apostolic leaders affirm the supremacy of Scripture and test prophetic words against the Word of God. Those who teach doctrines contradicting the Bible operate outside biblical apostolic parameters.
8. The NAR promotes a prosperity Gospel agenda
While some high-profile leaders associated with NAR emphasize prosperity theology, this is not an inherent tenet of apostolic ministry. Many apostolic leaders advocate for biblical stewardship, generosity, and economic empowerment without promoting the excesses of the prosperity gospel. The assumption that all apostolic leaders are driven by materialism is a generalization that does not hold up under scrutiny. (There are many persecuted apostolic leaders in China, Indonesia, India, Iran, and many other parts of the world that do not live in an environment to leverage material prosperity.)
9. Every megachurch pastor or charismatic leader is part of the NAR
Some critics lump together every well-known megachurch pastor, prophet, or charismatic leader under the NAR umbrella. However, many of these leaders do not consider themselves part of the NAR or adhere to the core ideas attributed to it. For example, pastors who believe in continuing spiritual gifts or embracing New Testament church structures are often mischaracterized as NAR when they have no formal or ideological connection to the movement.
10. The NAR represents the greatest threat to the Church today
While some apostolic networks exist, errors and abuses do not constitute the greatest danger to the church. The more pressing threats include biblical illiteracy, secularism, moral compromise, and the decline of gospel-centered preaching. Many mischaracterized and targeted as NAR leaders are actively evangelizing, planting churches, and making disciples — far from being a threat, they are a blessing to the body of Christ! Disagreements over church governance or ministry philosophy should not distract from the church’s real spiritual battles today.
Sources:Christian Post
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Franklin Graham Shares Gospel with 437,000 Ethiopians in Spot Infamous for Communist Rallies

Evangelist Franklin Graham preached the powerful message of the gospel to more than 400,000 people over the weekend in a massive public square that was once infamous for its Communist rallies.
Hundreds of thousands of people worshipped Jesus at Meskel Square for the “Encountering God Ethiopia” outreach.
It was a major turnout of 437,000 people hungry to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ for the two day-event.
“This is my 11th trip to Ethiopia, but the first time I have ever held a crusade here. What a joy it was to see 117,000 people come to Meskel Square (the name means Cross Square) to hear the Gospel message,” Graham shared on Facebook after the first night’s event.
“We praise God for the many who came forward at the invitation to put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Savior,” he added.
More than 1,600 evangelical churches in the country worked with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) to plan the outreach. The event featured live music from more than a dozen local musical groups and Christian artists from the U.S., and on both nights Graham closed out the evening with a message.
According to BGEA, the historic outreach took place more than 60 years after Rev. Billy Graham shared the gospel in the capital of Addis Ababa.
“I am so grateful for each and every one who has come. My father Billy Graham was here 65 years ago to this very day,” Graham told the crowd on Saturday. “He loved the people of Ethiopia.”
He continued, “If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, I’m going to give you an opportunity tonight. God loves you, but our sins separate us from God. All of us have sinned. Every one of us is guilty, we have fallen short of God’s standards. But God so loved Ethiopia, He sent His Son from heaven to save Ethiopia. And tonight He will save you if you repent and believe on the Name of His Son, Jesus Christ.”
On the first night, 117,000 people attended and on the second night 320,000 were in attendance.
“The square was so full, thousands of people spilled into the nearby streets to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ,” reads a BGEA press release.
The ministry reports that 4,000 people made decisions for Christ and many of these new believers will be discipled by local churches to help them grow in their walk with the Lord, BGEA reports.
“I have no words to express my heart. My eyes were full of tears to see so many people respond to the good news that was preached. This is what we wanted—we have been praying many years for a moment such as this,” Rev. Dereje Jemberu, general secretary of the Ethiopian Council of Gospel Believers Churches, told the ministry.
“I thank God for what He is doing in Ethiopia and what He has done this weekend. This has helped encourage and motivate evangelical churches to continue to work together to understand one another and to organize activities to reach as many people as possible with the hope of Jesus Christ,” he added.
Sources:CBN News
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സുനിത വില്യംസും വിൽമോറും ഭൂമിയിലേക്ക് മടങ്ങുന്നു, ലാൻഡിംഗ് തീയതി പ്രഖ്യാപിച്ച് നാസ

വാഷിങ്ടൺ: അന്താരാഷ്ട്ര ബഹിരാകാശ നിലയത്തിൽ കുടുങ്ങിക്കിടക്കുന്ന ഇന്ത്യൻ വംശജയായ ബഹിരാകാശയാത്രിക സുനിത വില്യംസും ബുച്ച് വിൽമോറും ഒടുവിൽ ഭൂമിയിലേക്കുള്ള തിരിച്ചുവരവിനായി ഒരുങ്ങുന്നു. മാർച്ച് 16 ന് ഇരുവരും ഭൂമിയിലേക്ക് മടങ്ങുമെന്ന് നാസ ഉദ്യോഗസ്ഥർ സ്ഥിരീകരിച്ചു. ബോയിംഗ് സ്റ്റാർലൈനറിൽ 10 ദിവസത്തെ ദൗത്യത്തിനായി പുറപ്പെട്ട ഇരുവരും കഴിഞ്ഞ ഒമ്പത് മാസമായി ബഹിരാകാശ നിലയത്തിൽ കുടുങ്ങിക്കിടക്കുകയാണ്.
ജൂൺ 5 ന് ക്രൂവേർഡ് ഫ്ലൈറ്റ് ടെസ്റ്റിലാണ് വില്യംസും വിൽമോറും സ്പേസ് സ്റ്റേഷനിൽ എത്തിയത്. എന്നാൽ തിരിച്ചുവരാനുള്ള ദൗത്യം പരാജയപ്പെട്ടതോടെ ഒമ്പത് മാസമായി ബഹിരാകാശ നിലയത്തിൽ ഇപ്പോഴും തുടരുകയാണ്. കഴിഞ്ഞ വർഷം സെപ്റ്റംബറിൽ സ്റ്റാർലൈനർ ബഹിരാകാശ പേടകം ജീവനക്കാരില്ലാതെ തിരിച്ചെത്തി. എങ്കിലും, ആഴ്ചകൾക്ക് ശേഷം, നാസ ബഹിരാകാശയാത്രികൻ നിക്ക് ഹേഗും റോസ്കോസ്മോസ് ബഹിരാകാശയാത്രികൻ അലക്സാണ്ടർ ഗോർബുനോവും സ്പേസ് എക്സ് ക്രൂ-9 ദൗത്യത്തിൽ വിക്ഷേപിക്കപ്പെട്ടു. ഈ ഡ്രാഗൺ ബഹിരാകാശ പേടകത്തിൽ രണ്ട് സീറ്റുകൾ സ്പേസ് സ്റ്റേഷനിൽ കുടുങ്ങിയ ബഹിരാകാശ യാത്രികർക്കായി നീക്കിവച്ചിരുന്നു. ഫെബ്രുവരിയിൽ അവർ തിരിച്ചെത്തുമെന്നാണ് ആദ്യം നിശ്ചയിച്ചത്. ഇപ്പോൾ നാലുപേരും ഒരുമിച്ച് മാർച്ച് 16 ന് മടങ്ങും എന്നാണ് പുതിയ റിപ്പോർട്ടുകൾ.
മാർച്ച് 12, 13 തീയതികളിൽ വിക്ഷേപിക്കാൻ പോകുന്ന സ്പേസ് എക്സ് ക്രൂ -10 ദൗത്യത്തെ ആശ്രയിച്ചിരിക്കും 4 ബഹിരാകാശയാത്രികരുടെയും തിരിച്ചുവരവ്. ക്രൂ-10 എത്തിയതിനുശേഷം സുനിത വില്യംസും ക്രൂ അംഗങ്ങളും പുറപ്പെടുന്നതിന് മുമ്പ് കൈമാറ്റ പ്രക്രിയ ഒരാഴ്ചയോളം നീണ്ടുനിൽക്കും. നാസ ബഹിരാകാശയാത്രികരായ ആനി മക്ലെയിൻ, നിക്കോൾ അയേഴ്സ്, ജാപ്പനീസ് ബഹിരാകാശ ഏജൻസി ബഹിരാകാശയാത്രികൻ തകുയ ഒനിഷി, റോസ്കോസ്മോസ് ബഹിരാകാശയാത്രികൻ കിറിൽ പെസ്കോവ് എന്നിവർ ക്രൂ-10-ൽ ഉൾപ്പെടുന്നു.
ക്രൂ-10 എത്തി ബഹിരാകാശ നിലയത്തിൽ സ്ഥാനം പിടിച്ച ശേഷം, ക്രൂ-9 ഭൂമിയിലേക്ക് മടങ്ങും. നാസയുടെ ക്രൂ-9, ക്രൂ-10 ദൗത്യങ്ങൾ സ്പേസ് എക്സിന്റെ ക്രൂ ഡ്രാഗൺ ബഹിരാകാശ പേടകം ഉപയോഗിച്ചുള്ള കൊമേഴ്സ്യൽ ക്രൂ പ്രോഗ്രാമിന്റെ ഭാഗമാണ്. 2024 ഓഗസ്റ്റിൽ വിക്ഷേപിച്ച ക്രൂ-9, നാസയുടെ നിക്ക് ഹേഗിനെയും റോസ്കോസ്മോസിന്റെ അലക്സാണ്ടർ ഗോർബുനോവിനെയും വഹിച്ചാണ് പോയത്. ഇതിൽ വിൽമോറിനും സുനിത വില്യംസിനും വേണ്ടി രണ്ട് ഒഴിഞ്ഞ സീറ്റുകൾ മാറ്റിവച്ചിട്ടുണ്ട്.
യുഎസ് പ്രസിഡന്റ് ഡൊണാൾഡ് ട്രംപും സ്പേസ് എക്സ് സിഇഒ എലോൺ മസ്കും നടത്തിയ കുടുങ്ങിക്കിടക്കുന്ന ബഹിരാകാശയാത്രികരെക്കുറിച്ചുള്ള പൊതു അഭിപ്രായത്തിന് ശേഷമാണ് ഈ കൈമാറ്റം നടന്നതെന്ന് റിപ്പോർട്ടുകൾ ഉണ്ട്. എന്നാൽ പൊതുജനാഭിപ്രായങ്ങൾ വരുന്നതിന് മുമ്പ് തന്നെ തീരുമാനം പുരോഗമിക്കുകയായിരുന്നു എന്നാണ് നാസ ഉദ്യോഗസ്ഥർ പറയുന്നു. ബഹിരാകാശ പേടക നിർമ്മാണത്തിലെ കാലതാമസം സാധാരണമാണെന്നും ജനുവരി അവസാനത്തോടെ എൻഡ്യൂറൻസിലേക്കുള്ള മാറ്റം അന്തിമമാക്കിയെന്നും നാസയുടെ കൊമേഴ്സ്യൽ ക്രൂ പ്രോഗ്രാം മാനേജർ സ്റ്റീവ് സ്റ്റിച്ച് വിശദീകരിച്ചു.
After an unexpected nine-month stay aboard the International Space Station (ISS), NASA astronauts Sunita Williams and Barry Wilmore are finally preparing to return to Earth. The two astronauts, who initially embarked on a 10-day mission aboard Boeing’s Starliner capsule, faced multiple technical setbacks that left them stranded in orbit. As per media reports, NASA has now confirmed their long-awaited return date—March 16.
Williams and Wilmore launched on June 5, 2023, as part of a crewed flight test for Boeing’s Starliner. However, what was meant to be a short demonstration mission soon turned into an indefinite stay on the ISS due to persistent technical failures in their spacecraft. Starliner, unable to safely bring the astronauts home, was ultimately sent back to Earth without a crew in September 2023.
o facilitate their return, NASA made alternate arrangements. In September, NASA astronaut Nick Hague and Roscosmos cosmonaut Aleksandr Gorbunov launched aboard SpaceX’s Crew Dragon as part of the Crew-9 mission. Their spacecraft included two reserved seats for Williams and Wilmore. Orinally set to return in February, NASA officials confirmed on Friday that all four astronauts will now return together on March 16.
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