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ക്രൈസ്തവരുടെ മതവികാരത്തെ വ്രണപ്പെടുത്തുന്ന പരസ്യം: പ്രതിഷേധം ശക്തമായപ്പോൾ ബർഗർ കമ്പനി മാപ്പ് പറഞ്ഞു



വിശുദ്ധവാരത്തിൽ ക്രൈസ്തവരുടെ മതവികാരത്തെ വ്രണപ്പെടുത്തുന്ന രീതിയിലുള്ള പരസ്യം പുറത്തിറക്കിയ ബർഗർ കിംങ് കമ്പനിയുടെ നടപടിക്കെതിരെ പ്രതിഷേധം ശക്തമായപ്പോൾ പരസ്യം പിൻവലിച്ച് മാപ്പ് പറയുന്നതായി കമ്പനി അറിയിച്ചു.

കത്തോലിക്കാ വിശ്വാസത്തിന്റെ കേന്ദ്രബിന്ദുവായ വിശുദ്ധ കുർബാനയുടെ
സ്ഥാപനദിനത്തിൽ ക്രിസ്തു പറഞ്ഞ വാക്കുകൾ ഉദ്ധരിച്ചുകൊണ്ടാണ് ബർഗർ കിംങ് പരസ്യം ചെയ്തിരുന്നത്. ഇതിനെതിരെ ശക്തമായ പ്രതികരണവുമായി വൈദികരും സന്യസ്തരും അടങ്ങുന്ന ക്രൈസ്തവ സമൂഹം രംഗത്തെത്തിയിരുന്നു. 22,000 പേരുടെ ഒപ്പുശേഖരണവും നടത്തി.

ശക്തമായ പ്രചരണം നടന്നതിനെ തുടർന്നാണ് കമ്പനി പരസ്യം പിൻവലിച്ച് മാപ്പ് പറഞ്ഞത്. ഒഫീഷ്യൽ ട്വിറ്റർ അക്കൗണ്ടിലൂടെയാണ് ബർഗർ കിംങ് പരസ്യം പിൻവലിച്ച് ഖേദപ്രകടനം നടത്തിയത്.

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Persecution of Ukrainian Christians: From Within and Without



In the summer of 2023, I traveled to Ukraine with a disaster response team. Our host was a YWAM (Youth With A Mission)(1) base located in Ternopil. From this base, YWAM provides housing, food, and other necessities. It also shares the gospel throughout Ukraine.

Our mission was threefold: to provide medical care for people who were internally displaced, having fled their homes in eastern Ukraine as the Russian forces advanced; to renovate a vacant school to provide housing for those left homeless due to the war; and lastly, to provide spiritual and emotional care to those traumatized by the war.

We traveled to various villages in non-combatant areas where those fleeing the Russian invasion had sought refuge. Our team worked alongside local health clinic personnel to provide medical care. Most of those we served, children and adults, exhibited various levels of trauma and/or PTSD. As a trained trauma counselor, I attempted to address emotional issues and provide spiritual care. We offered prayer to everyone we served.

Some were silent as in a state of shock, others were grieving and tearful, having lost their homes, livelihood, and way of life. Many wondered if they would have a home to return to after the war. Some felt great fear and anxiety over loved ones serving in the war and family members missing. Those who had been on the frontlines of the war shared firsthand stories of atrocities committed against civilians by Russian soldiers. These atrocities included horrendous acts such as mowing down elderly people with tanks and raping a 9-month-old baby.(2) Ministering to these victims of war and walking through bombed-out buildings was emotionally impactful. The devastation was immense.

Historically, Ukraine is a Christian nation with a large Orthodox population and many other denominations. Not surprisingly, the Russians have targeted Christians. They started persecuting Christians in 2014 with the annexation of Crimea. It was greatly exacerbated by 2022 with the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The Russians specifically targeted Christians who were not affiliated with the Russian Orthodox Church. These included evangelical congregations, Ukrainian Orthodox, Catholics, and members of other denominations. Thousands have fled the Russian-occupied territories since Putin’s invasion. At least 206 churches have been closed, destroyed, or expropriated. Many pastors and priests have been kidnapped, tortured, illegally deported, or murdered by the Russian National Guard and Russian Police. One report states that 29 have been killed.(3)

However, other reports state that at least 39 have disappeared or been murdered. The level of brutality is horrific.(4)
Any religious group that does not support Russia’s political agenda is targeted. Since February 2022, dozens of persecution cases have been documented against Orthodox Christians, Muslims, Protestants, Catholics, and Jehovah’s Witnesses. Any pastor or priest who isn’t Russian Orthodox is considered an American spy. According to the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Russia also has engaged in a massive misinformation campaign blaming Ukraine for these acts of persecution.(5)

In an interview on CBN, the leader of a Greek Catholic Church shared that two priests were recently rescued after having been held for 18 months in Russian captivity. They reported horrific stories. After Kyiv was liberated, he visited a mass grave outside of Kyiv. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “Russians have killed more than 70 pastors, destroyed more than 600 places of worship, and at least a dozen religious leaders remain in captivity.”(6)

Russia’s persecution of Christians is not only aimed at Ukrainians, but it also targets their own citizens as well. In 2024, the United States Department of State designated Russia as “a country of particular concern” due to its repression of religious freedom and believers within its borders.(7)

In addition to persecution from the Russian oppressors, Ukrainian Christians also face persecution from their own government. Under the pretext of the war, the Ukrainian government has targeted religious organizations that are considered to have ties with Russia, such as the Russian Orthodox Church, and by default, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Legislation known as Law 3894, codified in August 2024, will be fully enforced on May 24 and effectively ban the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) and any affiliated groups deemed to be Russian-influenced or sympathetic to Russia. Members of the UOC condemned the Russian invasion, many are serving on the front lines and raising money and support for their soldiers.(8)

Law 3894 aims to dismantle the UOC and create a single state-backed church, the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU). This is counter to international law and the wishes of millions who belong to the UOC as well as Ukraine’s constitution, which states in Article 35: “Everyone shall have the right to freedom of personal philosophy and religion. This right shall include the freedom to profess any religion or profess no religion, to freely practice religious rites and ceremonial rituals, alone or collectively, and to pursue religious activities. The exercise of this right may be restricted by law only to protect the public order, health and morality of the population, or to protect the rights and freedoms of other persons. The Church and religious organizations in Ukraine shall be separated from the State, and the school shall be separated from the Church. No religion shall be recognized by the State as mandatory.”(9)

As a result of Law 3894, “The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) is arresting and detaining UOC priests on false and spurious grounds. Supporters of the OCU are illegally seizing UOC holy sites, often in violent circumstances and with the tacit support of local authorities, which have been emboldened by the adoption of Law 3894. Ukraine’s active suppression of the UOC demonstrates a callous disregard for democratic norms and the rule of law, and it is wholly unbefitting of a country aspiring to membership of the European Union.”(10) The SBU arrested several prominent clerics and detained them in inhumane conditions without due legal process. Moreover, the Ministry of Culture is confiscating historic monasteries operated by the UOC and returning them to state control.(11) This is a flagrant violation of religious freedom.

The international community and human rights groups have condemned Law 3894 and the suppression of the UOC. The U.N. Office of the High Commission for Human Rights (U.N. OHCHR) stated: “The dissolution of a religious organization is a severe restriction that affects the ability of individuals to practice their religion or belief together with others and threatens the viability of the community as a whole, which requires very serious reasons by the way of justification, Ukraine has not demonstrated the necessity and proportionality of this measure.”(12) The report recommends that Law 3894 be amended to fully align with international human rights law. In response, Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs rejected the recommendation stating it did not reflect reality and denied Law 3894 prohibited religious organizations “notwithstanding what is contained in the law.”(13)

Tragically, Ukrainian Christians, especially Orthodox ones, are suffering persecution from not only Russian invaders but also their own government. Both have perpetrated suffering, arresting and imprisoning clergy and confiscating church property for their own uses. In the throes of the devastating war, these Christians are attacked from without and within. As brothers and sisters in Christ, we must not only pray but advocate on their behalf with our own government officials. We must make our voices heard.

For me, it is personal, remembering those I worked alongside and served while in Ukraine. One of the imprisoned priests, Metropolitan Arseniy, stated to the U.K.’s The Independent, “I pray for this ordeal to end, for my return to Sviatohirsk, the reconstruction of our monastery, and peace in Ukraine. I pray too for the end to the attack on the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. We Ukrainians must be united.”(14) We stand in solidarity and join in this prayer.

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ചർച്ച് ഓഫ് ഗോഡ് മധ്യ പൂർവ മേഖല കോൺഫ്രറൻസ് 2025



ഷാർജ:- മിഡിൽ ഈസ്റ്റ് മേഖലയിൽ ഉൾപ്പെട്ട ഗൾഫ് രാജ്യങ്ങളിലെ ചർച്ച് ഓഫ് ഗോഡിൻെറ നേതൃത്വ സമ്മേളനം (Leadership Conference) മാർച്ച് 13, 14, 15 തീയതികളിൽ ഷാർജ വർഷിപ്പ് സെന്റർ മെയിൻ ഹാളിൽ നടത്തപ്പെടും. 13 വ്യാഴാഴ്ച്ച വൈകുന്നേരം 6:30 മുതൽ ആരംഭിക്കുന്ന ഉദ്ഘാടന സമ്മേളനം രാത്രി 10:00-ന് അവസാനിക്കും. 14 വെള്ളിയാഴ്ച്ച രാവിലെ 9:00 മുതൽ നടത്തപ്പെടുന്ന കോൺഫറൻസ് രാത്രി 10:00-ന് സമാപിക്കും. 15 ശനിയാഴ്ച്ച നടക്കുന്ന സമാപന സമ്മേളനം രാവിലെ 10:00 മുതൽ രാത്രി 10:00-വരെ നടത്തപ്പെടും. LABS സ്ഥാപകൻ ഫ്രഡ്‌ ഗാർമോൺ മുഖ്യാതിഥി ആയിരിക്കും. യൂറോപ്പ് & മിഡിൽ ഈസ്റ്റ് ഫീൽഡ് ഡയറക്ടർ റവ.ഡോ.സ്റ്റീഫൻ ഡാർണെൽ, സിസ്റ്റർ ജാനിസ് ഡാർണെൽ (Women’s Ministry Director-Europe, CIS. Middle East & Russia), മിഡിൽ ഈസ്റ്റിലെ ഗൾഫ് രാജ്യങ്ങളുടെ റീജണൽ സൂപ്രണ്ട് റവ.ഡോ. സുശീൽ മാത്യു, ചർച്ച് ഓഫ് ഗോഡ് മിഡിൽ ഈസ്റ്റ് കോർഡിനേറ്ററും, യുഎഇ ദേശീയ അദ്ധ്യക്ഷനുമായ റവ.ഡോ. കെ.ഒ. മാത്യു എന്നിവർ മറ്റു വിശിഷ്ടാതിഥികൾ ആയിരിക്കും. ഇതര ജിസിസി രാജ്യങ്ങളിലെ ഓവർസിയർമാർക്ക് പുറമെ നേതൃത്വ നിരയിലെ മറ്റ് പദവികൾ വഹിക്കുന്നവരും, സഭാ പ്രതിനിധികളും ഈ കോൺഫറൻസിൽ പങ്ക് കൊള്ളും.

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നൈജീരിയയിൽനിന്നും തട്ടിക്കൊണ്ടുപോകപ്പെട്ട രണ്ടു വൈദികരെ രക്ഷപ്പെടുത്തി



നൈജീരിയയിലെ യോല കത്തോലിക്കാ രൂപതയിൽ നിന്ന് തട്ടിക്കൊണ്ടുപോകപ്പെട്ട ഫാ. മാത്യു ഡേവിഡ് ഡട്സെമി, ഫാ. എബ്രഹാം സൗമ്മം എന്നിവരെ രക്ഷപ്പെടുത്തിയതായി നൈജീരിയൻ രൂപത ഔദ്യോഗികമായി സ്ഥിരീകരിച്ചു. ഫെബ്രുവരി 22 നായിരുന്നു ഇരുവരെയും തട്ടിക്കൊണ്ടു പോയത്.

നൈജീരിയയിലെ അഡമാവാ സ്റ്റേറ്റിലെ ഡെംസ ലോക്കൽ ഗവൺമെന്റ് ഏരിയയിൽ സ്ഥിതിചെയ്യുന്ന ഗ്വേദ-മല്ലത്തിലെ വൈദിക റെക്ടറിയിൽ നിന്നാണ് രണ്ടു വൈദികരും തട്ടിക്കൊണ്ടു പോകപ്പെട്ടത്. ആയുധധാരികൾ ഇടവകയുടെ റെക്ടറിയിലെത്തി വൈദികരെ തട്ടിക്കൊണ്ടു പോകുകയായിരുന്നു. യോല രൂപതാ ബിഷപ്പ് സ്റ്റീഫൻ ഡാമി മംസ, തട്ടിക്കൊണ്ടുപോയ രണ്ട് കത്തോലിക്കാ പുരോഹിതന്മാരെ രക്ഷപ്പെടുത്തിയതായി സർവശക്തനായ ദൈവത്തോടുള്ള ഹൃദയം നിറഞ്ഞ സന്തോഷത്തോടെയും നന്ദിയോടെയും അറിയിച്ചു.

“സ്റ്റേറ്റ് സെക്യൂരിറ്റി സർവീസ് വകുപ്പിന്റെയും (ഡി എസ് എസ് എസ്) പ്രാദേശിക ജാഗ്രതാ ഗ്രൂപ്പിന്റെയും സംയോജിത ശ്രമത്തിന്റെ ഫലമായാണ് അവരെ മോചിപ്പിക്കുന്നതിനുള്ള രക്ഷാപ്രവർത്തനം നടന്നത്. നമ്മുടെ പുരോഹിതന്മാരെ തട്ടിക്കൊണ്ടുപോയത് വളരെ ദുഃഖകരമായ ഒരു സംഭവമായിരുന്നു, എന്നാൽ നമ്മുടെ രൂപതകളിലും പുറത്തുമുള്ള സുരക്ഷാ പ്രവർത്തകർ, പ്രാദേശിക അധികാരികൾ, വ്യക്തികൾ, വിശ്വാസ സമൂഹങ്ങൾ, സംഘടനകൾ എന്നിവ കാണിച്ച സ്നേഹത്തിനും പരിശ്രമങ്ങൾക്കും നന്ദി-” ബിഷപ്പ് മംസ പറയുന്നു.

Fr. Matthew David Dutsemi and Fr. Abraham Saummam abducted on February 22 from the Catholic Diocese of Yola in Nigeria have been rescued, the Local Ordinary of the Nigerian Diocese has confirmed.

Bishop Stephen Dami Mamza has announced with a “heart full of joy and gratitude to God almighty” the rescue of the two Catholic Priests abducted from the Priests’ Rectory in Gweda-Mallam, located in Demsa Local Government Area of Adamawa State, Nigeria.

“Their rescue followed a combined effort of the Department of the State Security Service (DSSS) and local vigilante group,” Bishop Mamza says, and adds, “The Reverend Fathers have been reunited with their Catholic family and the members of the Christian community.”

The Nigerian Catholic Bishop recalls the agony following the February 22 kidnapping of the two members of the Clergy.

“The abduction of our Priests has been a deeply distressing event, but the love and concern shown by the security operatives, local authorities, individuals, faith communities, and organizations within our dioceses and beyond did not only keep us moving but reminded us that we are not alone in the struggles of life,” he shares.

Bishop Mamza expresses gratitude for the spiritual solidarity of the people of God, saying, “Your prayers have been a beacon of hope and light that guided us through the moment of darkness as a result of this unprovoked abduction of our brothers.”

In a statement following the abduction of Fr. Matthew and Fr. Abraham, Bishop Mamza has sought prayers for the “safe return” of the duo.

“The Catholic Diocese of Yola fervently requests prayers for their safe return,” he had appealed in his February 23 statement in which he explained how “armed kidnappers arrived at the Parish Rectory during the early hours of Saturday (February 22), armed with offensive weapons, and proceeded to abduct the Clerics.”

Insecurity is rife in Nigeria, where kidnappings, murder and other forms of persecution against Christians remain rampant in many parts of the West African country, especially in the north.

On March 5, Fr. Sylvester Okechukwu of the Catholic Diocese of Kafanchan was murdered, a day after his abduction on March 4.

On the day Fr. Sylvester was kidnapped, the Catholic Diocese of Auchi in Nigeria also sent out a prayer appeal for the release of a Priest and a major Seminarian who had been abducted from a Parish Rectory the previous day. The two are still missing.

The rescue of Fr. David, a member of the Clergy of Yola Diocese, and Fr. Abraham of Nigeria’s Jalingo Catholic Diocese follows a series of killings and kidnappings that have targeted Priests in Africa’s most populous nation.

On February 6, Fr. Cornelius Manzak Damulak, a member of the Clergy of the Catholic Diocese of Shendam and student at Veritas University Abuja in Nigeria was abducted and later escaped from captivity.

Later, on February 19, Fr. Moses Gyang Jah of St. Mary Maijuju Parish of Shendam Diocese was abducted alongside his niece and the Parish Council Chairman, Mr. Nyam Ajiji. The Parish Council Chairman was reportedly killed. Fr. Jah and his niece are yet to be freed.

Nigeria has been experiencing insecurity since 2009 when Boko Haram insurgency began with the aim of turning the country into an Islamic state.

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