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Ex-Terrorist Confirms Mass Visions of Jesus in Gaza, Says Thousands of Muslims Will Come to Christ
A former Palestinian sniper turned Christian believes revival will break out in Gaza and thousands will come to Christ after the end of the Israel-Hamas war.
Taysir “Tass” Abu Saada, a former aide to the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, recently told CBN News’ Global Lane that God’s Holy Spirit is already changing Palestinian hearts through dreams and visions.
“Many Muslims are looking for an alternative to Islam,” he said. “My team is, naturally, sharing Christ. So we are looking at a good revival going on already in the Gaza Strip.”
It has been 104 days since Hamas terrorists carried out the savage massacre of hundreds of Israeli civilians on Oct. 7, marking the start of the Israel-Hamas War.
And many Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip have been caught in the cross-hairs. Evidence has shown how Hamas has prevented evacuations of Palestinian civilians, keeping them in harm’s way and even using them as civilian shields against Israeli attacks that are only intended to target terrorists.
As a result, the Hamas-run government of Gaza claims more than 24,000 people have been killed there since the war began, and thousands more are injured or presumed dead.
But Saada believes good can come out of the destruction and pain.
“Despite the destruction that is taking place, I believe God has a purpose to get the Palestinians in Gaza (to) wake up and look at a different alternative to what they believe,” he explained.
Saada said he believes hearts are turning to Jesus and confirmed a report late last year that hundreds of Gazans encountered Jesus in their sleep.
“I have a report from one of my team members that 200 Gazans gave their heart to Jesus in one lump sum,” Saada expressed. “The Lord appeared to them in visions and dreams and they were hugging each other and rejoicing. [They] realized all of them had the same vision that each one of them had.”
“Obviously, the Lord is doing His work and the Believers in the land are doing their work,” he added.
As CBN Digital reported, born in Gaza, Saada was overcome with rage toward Jewish Israelis in the aftermath of the Six-Day War in 1967.
His family moved to Saudi Arabia and Qatar and, ultimately, he ran away to join Fatah and fight to support Arafat.
“After the Six Day War, I felt as if I was having a nervous breakdown, and my hatred just grew and grew,” Saada said in his testimony, published on “I did not understand how we could lose so many wars against Israel. We were bigger than Israel in numbers and size, we had more equipment—everything we had was more than they had, but still, we lost the wars against them.”
“I was thinking that, once again, our leaders sold us to the Jews,” he added. “That was when I decided to go and fight for our land, which I believed was ours.”
The founder of the Hope of Peace Foundation eventually emigrated to the U.S. where he met his wife, Karen.
Soon afterward, he met a Christian man and learned about Jesus.
That is when his life and entire perspective on Israel changed.
He recently moved to the Holy Land in hopes of seeing more Gazans come to Christ.
“God is going to do a lot of work [in Gaza], and I want to be a part of that,” Saada said.
Saada previously told Joel Rosenberg on The Rosenberg Report that he believes we are in the “End Times.” “What we are seeing today happening is really one of the signs of the end of times, because it is not normal—the destruction that is taking place,” he said. “The evil hand of Hamas is attacking Israelis in a radical, very evil way. Naturally, Israel had to respond and defend itself.”
Although four Arab nations and Turkey have offered to assist in planning the reconstruction and governance of Gaza once Israel ends its war with Hamas, Saada boldly proclaimed that God has another future for the Gazans.
“The harvest is going to be huge,” he said.
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നൈജീരിയന് ക്രൈസ്തവര് നേരിടുന്ന പീഡനങ്ങള് മാധ്യമപ്രവർത്തകർ തുറന്നുക്കാട്ടണം: വേരിറ്റാസ് യൂണിവേഴ്സിറ്റി ചാന്സലര്
അബൂജ: മാധ്യമപ്രവർത്തകർ ക്രൈസ്തവര് നേരിടുന്ന പീഡനങ്ങള് തുറന്നുക്കാട്ടണമെന്ന അഭ്യര്ത്ഥനയുമായി നൈജീരിയന് യൂണിവേഴ്സിറ്റി വൈസ് ചാന്സലര്. നൈജീരിയയിലെ വേരിറ്റാസ് യൂണിവേഴ്സിറ്റിയുടെ വൈസ് ചാൻസലറും അവ്ക രൂപത വൈദികനുമായ ഫാ. ഹയാസിന്ത് എമെൻ്റ ഇചോകുവാണ് വിഷയത്തില് മാധ്യമ ഇടപെടല് തേടി രംഗത്ത് വന്നിരിക്കുന്നത്. പടിഞ്ഞാറൻ ആഫ്രിക്കൻ രാജ്യമായ നൈജീരിയയിലെ ക്രൈസ്തവര് നേരിടുന്ന പീഡനം രാജ്യത്തെ ഏറ്റവും ഉയർന്ന കൊടുമുടിയിലാണെന്നും മാധ്യമ പ്രവര്ത്തകര് ഇത് തുറന്നുക്കാട്ടാന് പരിശ്രമിക്കണമെന്നും അദ്ദേഹം ആവശ്യപ്പെട്ടു.
വിശുദ്ധ ഡോൺ ബോസ്കോയുടെ തിരുനാളിനോട് അനുബന്ധിച്ച് സെൻ്റ് ജോസഫൈൻ ബഖിത കമ്മ്യൂണിറ്റി ഓഫ് സലേഷ്യൻസ് സംഘടിപ്പിച്ച ഒരു പരിപാടിയ്ക്കുപിന്നാലെയാണ്, ആഫ്രിക്കയിലെ സിഎൻഎയുടെ വാർത്താ പങ്കാളിയായ ‘എസിഐ ആഫ്രിക്ക’യ്ക്ക് നൽകിയ അഭിമുഖത്തില് ഇക്കാര്യം പറഞ്ഞത്. പീഡനം എല്ലായ്പ്പോഴും ക്രൈസ്തവ ചരിത്രത്തിന്റെ തുടക്കം മുതൽ തന്നെ ഭാഗമാണ്. ക്രൈസ്തവ വിശ്വാസികൾ പീഡിപ്പിക്കപ്പെടാത്ത ഒരു നിമിഷവുമില്ലാ. പീഡനം എല്ലായ്പ്പോഴും ആളുകൾ കൊല്ലപ്പെടുന്നുവെന്ന് അർത്ഥമാക്കുന്നില്ല.
ആളുകളുടെ വിശ്വാസങ്ങൾ കാരണം അവരുടെ അവകാശങ്ങൾ നിഷേധിക്കുമ്പോൾ, അത് പീഡനമാണ്. ഉദാഹരണത്തിന്, ജോലിസ്ഥലത്ത് സ്ഥാനക്കയറ്റമോ പള്ളി പണിയുന്നതിനുള്ള ഭൂമിയുടെ സാധ്യതയോ നിഷേധിക്കപ്പെടുന്നത് അടിച്ചമർത്തലുകള് തന്നെയാണ്. വിശ്വാസത്തിന്റെ പേരിൽ ആളുകളെ പീഡിപ്പിക്കുന്നത് സർക്കാർ നയമാക്കുമ്പോൾ അത് അപകടകരമാണ്. ഭരണകൂടത്തിന്റെ അധികാരം ഉപയോഗിച്ച് ഒരു വിഭാഗത്തെ ലക്ഷ്യം വയ്ക്കുന്നത് കടുത്ത അനീതിയാണ്. ശ്രദ്ധിക്കപ്പെടാതെ പോകുന്ന പീഡനം ഒടുവിൽ കൂടുതൽ ഹീനമായിരിക്കും. എന്നാൽ ശബ്ദമുള്ളവർക്ക് ഈ അനീതികൾക്ക് എതിരെ പ്രതികരിക്കാന് കഴിയുമെങ്കിൽ, അത് ഈ പ്രശ്നത്തിന് മേല് നടപടി ആവശ്യപ്പെടുന്ന ഒരു പൊതു ആശങ്കയാക്കി മാറ്റും.
ക്രൈസ്തവ മാധ്യമ പ്രവർത്തകരും മാധ്യമ പരിശീലനം നടത്തുന്നവരും തങ്ങളുടെ ജോലിയെ ക്രൈസ്തവ വിരുദ്ധ പീഡനത്തെയും ക്രിസ്തുവിൻ്റെ ശരീരത്തിനെതിരായ ഏത് തരത്തിലുള്ള വിവേചനത്തെയും തുറന്നുകാട്ടാൻ ഉപയോഗിക്കേണ്ട ഒരു തൊഴിലായി കാണണം. നൈജീരിയയിലെ ക്രൈസ്തവരുടെ ദുരവസ്ഥകൾ മുന്നിൽ കൊണ്ടുവരാൻ മാധ്യമ വാദങ്ങൾ പ്രധാനമാണെന്നും പീഡനത്തിനും അടിച്ചമർത്തലിനും മുന്നിൽ മിണ്ടാതിരിക്കരുതെന്നും ഫാ. ഇച്ചോക്കു അഭ്യര്ത്ഥിച്ചു. അടുത്തിടെ ഓപ്പണ് ഡോഴ്സ് പുറത്തിറക്കിയ ക്രൈസ്തവ വിശ്വാസികള്ക്ക് നേരെ ഏറ്റവും പീഡനങ്ങള് അരങ്ങേറുന്ന ആഗോള രാജ്യങ്ങളുടെ പട്ടികയില് ഏഴാം സ്ഥാനത്താണ് നൈജീരിയ.
കടപ്പാട് :പ്രവാചക ശബ്ദം
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Pakistani police file blasphemy charges against mentally-challenged Christian man
Pakistan — Police in Pakistan this week arrested a mentally challenged Christian man on blasphemy charges despite being aware of his condition, sources said.
In Sahiwal, Punjab Province, Ghala Mandi police on Monday arrested Farhan Javed Masih, 28, after a local villager, Muhammad Bilal Khan, accused him of speaking against Islam and the religion’s sacred figures, said the suspect’s mother, Parveen Javed.
“We were at home when Bilal and some other Muslims came and told us that Farhan had committed blasphemy,” his mother, Parveen Javed, told Christian Daily International-Morning Star News. “I pleaded with them to forgive him, keeping in mind his mental state, but they did not listen to me and called the police, who arrested him.”
Javed, widowed six years ago and mother of three children in Chak 134-9/L village, said Farhan Masih’s mental health started deteriorating after his father’s death. His younger sister, Anum, said that his mental condition was known to everyone in the village.
“Getting him arrested for blasphemy will only aggravate his mental condition,” she said. “The police should have at least gotten his mental examination done before registering the FIR [First Information Report] against him.”
A member of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, Parveen Javed said her son had completed a four-year nursing course and had worked at Adam Welfare Hospital in Sahiwal but was fired in 2023 due to mental illness and drug addiction.
“Farhan had become a heroin addict, which aggravated his mental health,” she said. “We have tried to get him treated, but it didn’t work. Ever since he lost his job, Farhan used to loiter around the village all day saying absurd things. The entire village knows that he is of unsound mind.”
His sister said the family was surviving on the earnings of her and her mother.
“My mother and I are already under a lot of pressure and stress due to my brothers’ illness and drug addiction problem,” she said. “Now we are on a knife’s edge thinking what will happen to Farhan given how serious the accusation is.”
Intent must be proven for conviction on blasphemy charges in Pakistan, which carry punishments ranging from fines and prison to the death penalty.
Complainant Bilal Khan stated in the FIR that he was going to water his crops when Farhan Masih arrived and started speaking absurdities.
“The holy personages of your religion are false, and I don’t want to live among Muslims, because you belong to inferior status,” Masih purportedly told him, according to Khan’s police complaint.
Police registered a case against the Christian under the blasphemy statutes, including Section 295-A, which calls for imprisonment of up to 10 years for deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings of any class by insulting its religion or religious beliefs; 298-A, with a punishment of up to 10 years in prison for disrespecting the wives and companions of Muhammad, the prophet of Islam; and Section 7 of the Anti-Terrorism Act, which includes a clause related to causing civil commotion or unrest and is punishable by a minimum five-year jail term.
Bishop Abraham Daniel of the Baptist Church in Sahiwal said there were 150 to 200 Christian families in the village.
“When I got news of the incident, I immediately contacted senior police officials and sought security for the Christian residents,” Daniel told Christian Daily International-Morning Star News. “Thankfully, timely police deployment prevented any untoward incident from taking place there, and the situation is peaceful now.”
He said that Masih’s mental illness should have protected him against arrest on blasphemy charges.
“Farhan has no control over his mind and does not comprehend the seriousness of the things that he says,” Daniel said. “He did not commit blasphemy intentionally, and the police and court must take his mental condition into account while judging the matter.”
Church of Pakistan’s Moderator Bishop Azad Marshall said a senior officer should have intervened as police knew the matter involved a person of unstable mind.
“Farhan’s case is particularly concerning because his mental illness raises serious questions on his ability to understand or commit the alleged offense,” Marshall told Christian Daily International-Morning Star News. “We have repeatedly called for reforms in Pakistan’s blasphemy laws, but unfortunately our pleas continue to be ignored despite several people falling victim to false accusations of blasphemy every second day.”
The senior church leader also expressed concern over reports of organized groups trapping youths in blasphemy cases across the country, regretting that the dangerous trend had made Christians more vulnerable to persecution.
“Hundreds of people, including Muslims, are being accused and jailed for blasphemy, but it’s very strange that despite this issue being highlighted by the media and even the National Commission for Human Rights, nothing is being done to dismantle such organized groups,” he said.
Spike in false accusations
In Muslim-majority Pakistan, any baseless blasphemy accusation can ignite public outrage and sometimes result in mob violence.
According to the Lahore-based advocacy group Center for Social Justice, 343 blasphemy cases were filed in Pakistan in 2024, including 19 Christians, five of them females.
Expressing alarm over an increase in false blasphemy accusations in Pakistan, the U.N. Human Rights Committee (UNHRC) on Nov. 7, 2024, urged repeal or amending of the country’s widely condemned blasphemy laws.
The committee noted that false blasphemy accusations led to Islamist mob violence and recommended amending the laws in accordance with requirements of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). In its concluding observations of the committee’s second periodic report on Pakistan, it stated concern over sections 295 and 298 of the Pakistan Penal Code, which carry severe penalties, including the death penalty, and have a disproportionate impact on religious minorities.
“It is also concerned about the increasing number of persons incarcerated under blasphemy charges, the high number of blasphemy cases based on false accusations, violence against those accused of blasphemy, fostering vigilante justice, and allegations of entrapment of persons, in particular young persons, on accusations of on-line blasphemy under cybercrime laws,” the committee stated.
It emphasized ending use of cybercrime laws, such as the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (PECA) 2016, to prosecute and detain those accused of breaching blasphemy laws online. The committee also urged the government to investigate allegations of massive abuse of blasphemy laws in connection with cybercrime laws and publish the results of the inquiries.
“[The committee] is also concerned about the chilling effect that criminal defamation laws, blasphemy, sedition and counter-terrorism laws, and other recently passed legislation have on the exercise of freedom of expression by journalists, activists, human rights defenders and members of ethnic and religious minorities,” it stated.
Urging Pakistan to take all necessary measures to guarantee prompt and fair trials for all persons charged with blasphemy or other offenses against religion, the committee highlighted jail conditions, stating that it was “also concerned about reports of abuse of women prisoners, including sexual violence, and that individuals accused of blasphemy are often placed in solitary confinement for extended periods of time. It remains concerned about the widespread recourse to prolonged pretrial detention.”
Pakistan ranked eighth on Open Doors’ 2025 World Watch List of the most difficult places to be a Christian.
Sources:Christian Post
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പാക്കിസ്ഥാനിൽ ദൈവദൂഷണ നിരോധന നിയമം ധനസമ്പാദനമാർഗ്ഗമാക്കുന്നു
പാക്കിസ്ഥാനിൽ ദൈവനിന്ദാനിരോധന നിയമം ചില കുറ്റകൃത്യസംഘടനകൾ ധനാഗമ മാർഗ്ഗമാക്കുന്നു.
ഭീഷണിപ്പെടുത്തി പണം തട്ടിയെടുക്കുന്നതിന് ഈ നിയമത്തെ കരുവാക്കുന്ന സംഘങ്ങൾ ഉണ്ടെന്ന് അന്നാട്ടിലെ ക്രൈസ്തവരും മുസ്ലീങ്ങളുമായ അഭിഭാഷകർ വെളിപ്പെടുത്തുന്നതായി പ്രേഷിത വാർത്താ ഏജൻസിയായ ഫീദെസ് വെളിപ്പെടുത്തി.
ദൈവദൂഷണക്കുറ്റം ആരോപിച്ച് കെണിയിൽ വീഴ്ത്തി ഇരകളിൽ നിന്ന് പണം പേശിവാങ്ങുന്ന പ്രവണത വർദ്ധിച്ചുവരുന്നതായും ഇതിനോടകം 450-ഓളം പേർ ഇവരുടെ വലയിൽ വീണതായും റിപ്പോർട്ടിൽ കാണുന്നു. ദൈവനിന്ദ പാക്കിസ്ഥാനിൽ തടവു മുതൽ വധശിക്ഷവരെ ലഭിക്കുന്ന കുറ്റമാകയാൽ ഈ ആരോപണം പണസമ്പാദനത്തിന് എളുപ്പവഴിയായി മാറിയിരിക്കയാണ്.
ഈ കപടതന്ത്രത്തെ കുറിച്ച് മുന്നറിയിപ്പേകുന്നതിനും പൊലീസ് അധികാരികളെ ധരിപ്പിക്കുന്നതിനും വേണ്ടി പാർലിമെൻറംഗവും കത്തോലിക്കാ അഭിബാഷകനുമായ ഖാലിൽ താഹിർ സന്ധുവും വ്യാജാരോപണവിധേയരായവരുടെ കുടുംബാംഗങ്ങളും അവരുടെ അഭിഭാഷകരും ചേർന്ന് അടുത്തയിടെ ഒരു പത്രസമ്മേളനം നടത്തിയിരുന്നു.
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