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Avalon releases first album in 10 years, says there’s an urgency in the world for a Savior




Avalon, one of the most successful Christian music groups, reunited this year to release their first album in 10 years titled, Called, which shares a message about Jesus that the group believes the world desperately needs to hear.

The group, comprised of Greg and Janna Long, Jody McBrayer and Dani Rocca, announced in October 2018 that they were gearing up for their “next chapter.” The statement revealed that founding member McBrayer would return to the group along with the addition of Rocca.

The award-winning vocal group, who have been making music since 1995, are excited about this new chapter in their career and shared what they thought has changed since they first began.

“I think there are obviously positive and negative aspects to where the music industry is now. Of course there were positive and negative 10 and 12 years ago too. However, the one thing that stands out for me, more than anything else, is the urgency,” McBrayer told The Christian Post on Monday.

Their new album, Called, released last week, is filled with lyrics loaded with faith and encouragement.

“Now more than ever, what we do is so important because this world is desperate for a Savior. They are desperate for hope. If we have a chance to bring some light and hope to people who are struggling, we have to take that chance,” McBrayer declared.

“One thing I love about where Christian music is right now is that it blatantly points to Jesus,” Greg Long added. “No one loves like Him, no one saves like Him, and there is only one Jesus.”

During their 10 year sabbatical, Greg and Janna Long worked as worship leaders at their home church. Now, they’re excited about getting back on the road and creating new music.

“I feel grateful and humbled by the fact that I still get to do this after all of these years. God continues to be gracious and I am forever grateful. I love these people I get to do life with while getting to do the very thing that I love the most — singing for Christ,” Janna told.

“Making new music after 10 years for me has been fun” Greg said. “The phrase ‘you don’t miss something until it’s gone’ rings true in that Janna and I have been raising our kiddos and leading worship at a local church, all of which is fantastic, but I didn’t realize how much I missed making music with my friends.”

The new Avalon record features a collection of catchy tracks including the title track, an upbeat first single titled “Keeper of my Heart,” along with the songs, “If Not For Jesus,” “Sacred Ground,” “Closer,” and “Glitter and Glory.”

“It’s amazing that, after 12 years, we just picked up basically where we left off. Except for the fact that we all have so much more to say now. God has done so much in all of our lives and we are obligated to share those things with whomever will listen,” McBrayer added.

Newcomer Rocca said she is “humbled” to join a group of singers that have a “legacy.”

“To serve alongside such incredible talent and even more kind and accepting people is an honor in itself,” Rocca said. “It is refreshing to see firsthand that 20-plus years in the music industry hasn’t removed an ounce of graciousness from them. If anything, the more life lived and more lessons learned, the more able we are to love others and extend the love of Christ to those who need it most.”

Called is the first project released on Red Street Records, a label founded by Don Koch and Jay DeMarcus, a member of the country group Rascal Flatts.

Avalon is now gearing up to go on, The Called Tour kicking off February 27, 2020, continuing through April 2020.

Sources: Christian Post


New Documentary Exposes Severe Persecution of Evangelical Christians by Russia



A new documentary is shining a light on the growing persecution of evangelical Christians here in Ukraine, a crisis that remains largely unknown in the West. “A Faith Under Siege” takes viewers to the front lines, where pastors and missionaries are providing hope amidst the horrors of war.

The Russian war against Ukraine has inflicted devastating tolls, not only on soldiers but also on Christians who refuse to bow to Moscow’s demands. The new documentary aims to expose the truth about religious persecution in Ukraine.

Executive producer Colby Barrett explained, “Right now there’s so much propaganda out there around these kind of issues that we wanted to get right to the truth and talk to the people that had suffered under Russian occupation for their faith. And that’s really the heart of the documentary.”

“A Faith Under Siege” features firsthand accounts of pastors, aid workers, and believers who have been captured, tortured, or forced to flee because of their faith.

Barrett noted, “The folks that stayed in these war-torn areas to help and to minister to their folks and to others, to provide aid, were really doing some amazing stuff. And what you see when the Russians took over and found these evangelicals, they find them very threatening.”

Russian propaganda often claims to uphold traditional values, but on the ground in Ukraine, evangelicals are targeted as threats to the Kremlin’s control.

“Evangelicals especially are very loyal to our leader, Jesus, not so much political leaders… And so when they find evangelicals, and they are only loyal to God, that’s disruptive,” Barrett explained.

CBN News traveled to Ukraine to join former Green Beret Christian Hickey, who moved to Ukraine in 2022 as a missionary to soldiers fighting on the front lines.

Hickey shared, “We’ve been bringing in thousands of audio Bibles to Ukrainian soldiers and civilians. It’s one of the best ways to get Scripture into their hands. They can listen while they’re on the move, while they’re taking shelter. And we know from experience that God’s word never returns void.”

The documentary isn’t just about exposing Russian war crimes; it also serves as a call to action for Christians worldwide to pray and stand with their brothers and sisters in Ukraine.

“So the purpose of this movie isn’t to make a bunch of money. We’re going to be providing it for free. And what we’re really relying on is that our American brothers and sisters, especially in the Christian community, latch onto this and want to host screenings and show it in their own communities,” Barrett said.

The film is gaining exposure at the Museum of the Bible, and producers hope to shed light on the crisis and mobilize Christians.

Reporting on the ground has confirmed the claims made in the documentary that evangelical Christians in Ukraine are facing targeted persecution at the hands of Russian forces. Barrett concluded, “We pray for the Christians that are caught in this conflict, that they’re able to serve as a model for our faith… as well as just an end to this war, a just end to this war.”
Sources:CBN News

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ക്രൈസ്തവര്‍ക്ക് നേരെ വിദ്വേഷം ആളിക്കത്തിക്കുന്ന ഒഡിയ സിനിമയ്ക്കെതിരെ പ്രതിഷേധം



മുംബൈ: യേശു ക്രിസ്‌തുവിനെയും ക്രൈസ്തവ വിശ്വാസത്തെയും മോശമായി ചിത്രീകരിക്കുന്ന ഒഡിയന്‍ സിനിമ ‘സനാതനി-കർമ ഹീ ധർമ’ യുടെ പ്രദർശനം നിർത്തിവയ്ക്കണമെന്ന ആവശ്യം ശക്തമാകുന്നു. ക്രൈസ്തവ വിശ്വാസികളെ കൂടാതെ ജനപ്രതിനിധികളും വിവിധ സംഘടനകളും ഇതേ ആവശ്യവുമായി രംഗത്ത് വന്നിട്ടുണ്ട്. സിനിമ യേശുവിനെയും മാമോദീസയെയും ക്രൈസ്തവ വിശ്വാസത്തെയും മോശമായി ചിത്രീകരിച്ചിരിക്കുകയാണ്. ഹൈന്ദവ സമൂഹത്തെ ക്രൈസ്തവര്‍ക്ക് നേരെ തിരിക്കുവാന്‍ പ്രേരണ നല്‍കുന്ന വിധത്തിലാണ് സിനിമ നിര്‍മ്മിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നതെന്ന ആക്ഷേപം നേരത്തെ തന്നെ ഉയര്‍ന്നിട്ടുണ്ട്.

സിനിമ പ്രദർശിപ്പിക്കാൻ അനുവദിച്ച സെൻസർ ബോർഡ് ഫിലിം സർട്ടിഫിക്കറ്റ് സ്റ്റേ ചെയ്യാനും സെൻസർ ബോർഡ് സർട്ടിഫിക്കറ്റ് റദ്ദാക്കാനും അഭ്യർത്ഥിച്ച് ഇലക്ട്രോണിക്സ് & ഇൻഫർമേഷൻ ബ്രോഡ്കാസ്റ്റിംഗ് മന്ത്രി അശ്വിനി വൈഷ്ണവിന് മുതിർന്ന അഭിഭാഷകനും തമിഴ്നാട്ടില്‍ നിന്നുള്ള രാജ്യസഭ എം‌പിയുമായ പി വില്‍സണ്‍ നിവേദനം സമര്‍പ്പിച്ചു. നാനാത്വങ്ങൾക്കിടയിലുള്ള ഏകത്വത്തിലാണ് ഇന്ത്യയുടെ യഥാർത്ഥ ശക്തി. സാമുദായിക സൗഹാർദം നിലനിർത്തുന്നത് നിർണായകമായ ഒരു കാലഘട്ടത്തിൽ, ഇത്തരമൊരു സിനിമയുടെ പ്രദർശനം അനുവദിക്കുന്നത് വിഭജനം സൃഷ്ടിക്കുകയും രാജ്യത്തുടനീളമുള്ള ദശലക്ഷക്കണക്കിന് ക്രിസ്ത്യാനികളുടെ വികാരങ്ങളെ ആഴത്തിൽ വ്രണപ്പെടുത്തുകയും ചെയ്യുമെന്ന് അദ്ദേഹം നിവേദനത്തില്‍ ചൂണ്ടിക്കാട്ടി.

ആവിഷ്കാരസ്വാതന്ത്ര്യം ഒരു സമൂഹത്തെയോ വിശ്വാസത്തെയോ അപകീർത്തിപ്പെടുത്തുന്നതാകരുതെന്നു നാഷണൽ യുണൈറ്റഡ് ക്രിസ്‌ത്യൻ ഫോറം പ്രസ്താവിച്ചു. മതപരിവർത്തനത്തെ ക്രിമിനൽ നടപടിയെന്ന മട്ടിൽ തെറ്റായാണ് അവതരിപ്പിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നതെന്നും ഒഡീഷയിൽ സമാധാനപരമായി ജീവിക്കുന്ന മതവിഭാഗങ്ങളിൽ വിദ്വേഷം പടർത്താനുള്ള നീക്കമാണ് സിനിമയെന്ന് സംഘടന ചൂണ്ടിക്കാട്ടി. മതസ്വാതന്ത്ര്യം പോലെതന്നെ മതപരിവർത്തനത്തിനുള്ള സ്വാതന്ത്ര്യവും ഭരണഘടന അനുവദിച്ചുനൽകുന്നുണ്ടെന്ന് എൻയുസിഎഫ് പ്രസ്‌താവനയിൽ പറഞ്ഞു.
കടപ്പാട് :പ്രവാചക ശബ്ദം

A day before the theatrical release of ‘Sanatani: Karma Hi Dharma’, members of the National United Christian Forum in India has condemned the film and stated that it portrays Christians in a wrong light.

They have demanded authorities concerned to stop the screening of the film to prevent the harm that it may cause to the peace and harmony in the state.

The forum said the film derogatorily portrays Jesus Christ, Christians and Christian services, distorting the image of Jesus and key aspects of Christian doctrine, particularly the sacrament of baptism and misrepresenting conversion as a criminal activity.

“We must remember the agonising history of atrocities and violence faced by Christians in Odisha. The loss of life, brutal attacks, forced displacement are painful reminders of the dangers of religious intolerance.

The film is an attempt to perpetuate the false narrative, incite hatred and violence among the peaceful communities in the region,” a statement issued by the organisation said.

Stating that indulging in false propaganda against the fundamental rights of religious freedom to incite violence is deplorable, the forum requested authorities concerned to intervene and stop screening of the film.

Meanwhile, Christians in Kandhamal and Sambalpur protested the release of the film which shows how tribals are being converted and their lands taken over.

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Lola Sheen, Daughter of Denise Richards and Charlie Sheen, Embraces Jesus: ‘My Life Really Was Forever Changed



Lola Sheen, daughter of actors Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards, recently stunned the entertainment and media world when she published photos of her powerful baptism and a detailed testimony.

Lola, 19, shared a candid Instagram post last week in which she noted that she hit “rock bottom” before finding Jesus and embracing Christianity.

During an interview with CBN News, she expounded on this journey, expressing gratitude and excitement at the positive response she’s receiving to her conversion.

“It’s been so encouraging and so overwhelming, but in the best way possible,” she said. “It just shows that God really can do anything so unexpectedly.”

Sheen continued, “It’s really just been so encouraging and so supportive because I felt so alone in the beginning of my walk, and now I get to share what Jesus has done in my life.”

“I grew up with parents who were in the industry, and I always felt super alone,” she said. “I just always felt like I could never find security and never find just something that felt like a home.”

Sheen said she began struggling with mental health when she was 16 and found herself dealing with depression. Despite coming out of that, she again faced mental health struggles when she turned 18, with therapy and other interventions failing to provide solace.

“I also really struggled with feeling so insecure and very unworthy,” Sheen said.

Her situation changed, though, when she found Jesus.

“I always knew of Jesus [but] I never knew Him,” Sheen said. “And that is what changed so much for me when I met Jesus. It was like, ‘Now, I actually know You, and I feel like there’s a difference of going to church because you have to and then going to church because you know Jesus.”

She continued, “Jesus really did find me, and that’s what changed me. He chose me first, and it was the first time someone chose me when I wasn’t the best version of myself.”

Sheen described her encounter with Jesus unfolding one night when she was in bed, struggling to sleep and plagued by negative thoughts. With anxiety battering her heart and mind, she found herself embroiled in sadness and feeling as though she didn’t want to “be here anymore.”

“I just really did not see the point of me,” she said, noting she was just immeasurably hopeless — until something incredible happened.

“I really don’t know how else to put it except the fact that Jesus came in my room,” she said. “I had never experienced anything like it. His presence came to me. … And I felt this overwhelming sense of peace in my room.”

Just the day before, she had watched a TikTok video from a Christian influencer talking about Jesus, which clearly impacted her. She believes it “opened the door” to letting God in.

“I think once I started to think about Him, the next night, that’s when He came to me,” Sheen said. “It really felt like He took my hand and just said, ‘I am here to rescue you and try this again now with Me.’”

And that was the beginning of a journey. Sheen began looking up how to give her life to the Lord and has since formed a strong relationship with Jesus.

“My life really was forever changed,” she said.

Sheen has been the subject of international headlines since sharing her testimony and baptism photos on Instagram last week, and she’s eternally grateful for how people are positively reacting.

She has also launched a podcast and is planning to attend college — all while continuing to grow her faith. We’ll leave you with the first episode of her show, “Heavenly Bonded”:

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