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150% increase in anti-Christian violence in Germany



Hate crimes targeting Christians in Germany have nearly trebled in a year amid a wave of religious discrimination across Europe.

From 2019 to 2020, the majority Christian nation saw a rise in attacks from 57 to 141.

This included seven physical assaults against Christians for their beliefs, three thefts or robberies, one desecration of a grave and 24 verbal threats.

Overall, hate crime in Germany rose by 19 per cent last year.

The Vienna-based Observatory on Intolerance against Christians in Europe (OIDAC), which has compiled a report on anti-Christian hate crime in the continent, says the two main threats come from ‘secular intolerance’ and ‘Islamic oppression’.

The figures were submitted by the German police and Federal Statistics Office to the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the world’s largest security-oriented intergovernmental body.

There were also an additional 172 anecdotal reports from church groups which detailed how members are being targeted with vandalism and physical attacks.

One report said: ‘A 77-year-old female Jehovah’s Witness, while engaging in religious activities, was hit by a woman on the street. The victim fell to the ground and hit her head.’

A Jehovah’s Witness kingdom hall was also ‘desecrated when its mailbox was filled with urine’, the church claimed.

In another alleged attack, a Protestant church was vandalised with swastika graffiti and other far-right symbols.

OIDAC said in its report that secular intolerance, which is a major threat to Christians in Europe, is the marginalisation or exclusion of religion from public and private life.

The report states: ‘Some of the ideologies that infuse the secular intolerance that is at play in politics and universities today are specifically anti-Christian, like neo-Marxist undercurrents.’

They claim this has led to the censorship of Christian teaching, banning Christian symbols from public places, ignoring parental rights at schools and limiting the freedom of expression.

This has led to dismissals from work, no-platforming and police investigations over the expression of Christian faith, according to the study.

The report also claims that ‘Islamic oppression’ has led to ‘violent attacks’ against Christians.

They said: ‘Islamic Oppression can mostly be seen in what we call “hotspot areas” of European cities and suburbs, where they impose unique legal and moral codes, which are often in contradiction to democratic principles and human rights.’

On Germany, the OIDAC report says: ‘Freedom of expression has been limited in Germany when it comes to discussions about gender, marriage, bioethics, and sexuality.’

They said this has led to police investigations over Christians asserting their traditional religious beliefs.

The report also claims that Christian students have had access to facilities limited because of their beliefs which have led to them being labelled ‘homophobic’ or ‘anti-feminist’.

They said: ‘Some forms of discrimination are that the groups are denied use of campus facilities and renting rooms, they are prohibited to share flyers, and they do not receive accreditation by student councils.

‘Some students have also received threats.’

A study by Matthias Revers and Richard Traunmüller at the Goethe University Frankfurt found that a third of German students are in favour of banning controversial books from the student library.

Meanwhile between a third and a half of university students would not allow a controversial speaker on campus.

Gynaecologist Michael Kiworr was blocked from speaking at Gottingen University about abortion after being invited by Christian student group Reformatio 21.

The group Alternative Linke Liste Göttingen staged protests and forced the university to rescind the invitation.

The move was criticised by The Professor’s Forum, an 800-member strong association of academics in Germany.

They said: ‘There are frequent incidents in which aggressively appearing political groups sabotage the right to freedom of expression.’

OIDAC added: ‘Germany must react more effectively to protect Christians from attacks initiated by radical groups.’

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12,000 Souls Baptized in France Reporting ‘a Personal Encounter with Christ’



More than 12,000 people were baptized in France on Easter Sunday – a record number for the country where about 50% of the people say they do not believe in God.

The French Bishops Conference reports that despite the acceleration of “de-Christianization,” there has been a rise in requests for baptism in the Catholic Church within the last 10 years.

During an Easter service, 7,135 adults were baptized and more than 5,000 teenagers aged 11 to 17 were baptized, according to America Magazine.

The report explains that 31% more people were baptized this year than last year and that the number of adults, 18-25 years old, rose from 23% to 36% in the last year.

“In today’s French society, 80% of young people have not received any religious education,” Father Vincent Breynaert, director of the National Youth and Vocations Service, explained in the report presented on March 27. “They have very few preconceived ideas about the Church. What those asking for baptism have in common is that they had a spiritual experience and a personal encounter with Christ.”

The report also outlines that the requests for baptism are noticeable in bigger cities.

In Paris, there was a 27% increase from 2023 to 2024.

When it comes to demographics, those who are requesting to be baptized are more surprisingly “from families without religion.”

Around 5% of newly baptized Christians come from Muslim families.

“It is very surprising to see the often totally unexpected path taken by those who ask to be baptized,” said Bishop Olivier Leborgne of Arras, president of the Council for Catechesis and the Catechumenate, who added what is taking place is happening on a “bewildering scale.”

Catholic leaders in the country attested that “the Lord has decided to take the lead,” because the increase in baptisms cannot be explained otherwise.

Bishop Leborgne reports that Easter night in France this year was “particularly festive in many Catholic communities.”

“In a rapidly changing world, often disorientated, and a Church that is no less so, it could be that the Lord has decided to take the lead,” he shared.

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Fox News Host Lawrence Jones Delivers Powerful Gospel Message: I’m ‘Proud to Be a Believer’



“Fox & Friends” co-host Lawrence Jones has a deep-rooted faith, a passion for the Gospel, and a growing media career that has landed him on millions of TV screens each week.

“I come from generations of pastors,” Jones recently told CBN News. “My mom’s a preacher, grandparents are, so, the Gospel at large — knowing who Christ is and accepting [Him] to my heart … that’s all I know.”

The 31-year-old TV host said, although he grew up with the Gospel, it wasn’t until he left home and moved to Washington, D.C., and, ultimately, New York City that he fully put into practice what he had learned about God and the Bible.

“You start getting tested,” Jones said. “For me, the faith walk became real when life became real, and when you’re alone and you don’t have that support system being with you every single day.”

Jones, who recently released the book, “American Man: Speaking the Truth about the War on Masculinity,” said he’s not the type of person who will pretend he’s a “perfect Christian,” refusing to project a lie or mistruth. In the process, he said he’s striving to be more like Jesus each and every day.

“Part of the Gospel itself is understanding that Christ paid it all because I’m imperfect,” Jones said. “And anytime that we try to project ourselves as these perfect beings, I think we take His glory away, because … if we have it all together, then He wouldn’t need to pay it all on the cross for our sins.”

Jones, who sees life through a biblical lens, is in a truly unique position with a prime spot on TV, delivering news and information to the masses.

He called his work on “Fox & Friends” — and Fox News more broadly — an “exciting experience.”

“I’ve had the opportunity to grow in different ways,” Jones said. “Obviously, starting off as a contributor and then, from there, becoming Sean Hannity’s correspondent, to doing my own show on Saturday to now this incredible opportunity.”

Despite all the attention and success, Jones said he hasn’t found it tough to cling to his faith.

“I don’t find it a struggle to hold on to who God has called me to be and be that person,” he said, noting he’s “proud to be a believer.”

Jones has also been able to see his faith represented on the air, with “Fox & Friends” recently hosting the network’s second annual “Faith & Friends Concert Series,” a lenten celebration featuring Christian artists from across the music spectrum.

He said the faith-based music has sparked some powerful conversations.

“I think it’s been some of the most beautiful … conversations,” Jones said. “We’ve had people from our audience — messages about them crying on Sunday morning, people that haven’t been to church in a while, but we’re bringing church to them in their living room.”

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യുകെ ഫാമിലി വീസയ്ക്ക് ഇനി ചെലവേറും



ലണ്ടൻ : അനധികൃത കുടിയേറ്റത്തിനൊപ്പം നിയമാനുസൃത കുടിയേറ്റവും പരിധി വിട്ടതോടെ പുതുതായി ഏർപ്പെടുത്തുന്ന കർശന വ്യവസ്ഥകളിൽ അവസാനത്തേതും ബ്രിട്ടൻ പ്രാബല്യത്തിലാക്കി. ഫാമിലി വീസയിൽ ബന്ധുക്കളെ സ്പോൺസർ ചെയ്യാൻ ബ്രിട്ടിഷ് പൗരന്മാർക്കും ബ്രിട്ടനിൽ താമസിക്കുന്ന ഇന്ത്യൻ വംശജർ ഉൾപ്പെടെയുള്ളവർക്കും 29,000 പൗണ്ട് (30 ലക്ഷം രൂപ) എങ്കിലും വാർഷികശമ്പളം ഉണ്ടായിരിക്കണമെന്ന വ്യവസ്ഥയാണ് നിലവിൽവന്നത്. ഇതുവരെ വേണ്ടിയിരുന്നത് 18,600 പൗണ്ട് (19 ലക്ഷം രൂപ); വർധന 55%. ഇന്ത്യൻ വംശജനായ പ്രധാനമന്ത്രി ഋഷി സുനകും ആഭ്യന്തര മന്ത്രി ജയിംസ് ക്ലെവർലിയും തയാറാക്കിയ കുടിയേറ്റ നിയന്ത്രണ പാക്കേജിലെ ഏറ്റവും ഒടുവിലത്തേതാണിത്.

അടുത്ത വർഷം ആദ്യമാകുമ്പോഴേയ്ക്കും ഇതു വീണ്ടും പരിഷ്കരിച്ച് വിദഗ്ധ തൊഴിലാളി വീസയ്ക്ക് അപേക്ഷിക്കുന്നതിനുള്ള ഉയർത്തിയ ശമ്പളപരിധിയായ 38,700 പൗണ്ടിന് (40 ലക്ഷം രൂപ) സമാനമാക്കാനാണു ബ്രിട്ടിഷ് സർക്കാരിന്റെ ആലോചന. 26,200 പൗണ്ട് ആയിരുന്ന വിദഗ്ധ തൊഴിലാളി ശമ്പളപരിധി 48% വർധിപ്പിച്ച് 38,700 പൗണ്ട് ആക്കിയത് ഈ മാസം തുടക്കത്തിലായിരുന്നു. ഇതേ വർധന ഫാമിലി വീസ ശമ്പളപരിധിയിലും ആലോചിച്ചിരുന്നെങ്കിലും ഒറ്റയടിക്കു നടപ്പാക്കുന്നത് പ്രതിപക്ഷ പ്രതിഷേധം രൂക്ഷമാക്കുമെന്ന ആശങ്കയിലാണ് ഘട്ടം ഘട്ടമായി കൊണ്ടുവരാനുള്ള നീക്കം.

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12,000 Souls Baptized in France Reporting ‘a Personal Encounter with Christ’

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