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Ministry gifts millions of kids the Gospel, teaches true meaning of Christmas to combat rising secularism



Amid concerns that younger generations are falling away from religion, an interdenominational group is delivering the gift of the Gospel to millions of children across the globe this Christmas season and filling their hearts with the love of Jesus.

The Child Evangelism Fellowship expects to help deliver the Gospel to over 12 million children through its Christmas Party Club campaign this holiday season and is inviting churches and community leads to sign up to host a Christmas Party Club and share the Gospel with children.

Founded in 1937, the ministry equips fellow Christians to minister to children and form them into disciples of Christ. Studies suggest that younger generations are less religious and less likely to attend church than previous generations.

“The truth of the Bible is still applicable today no matter what is happening in the world around us,” CEF Acting Vice President of Administration Fred Pry told The Christian Post. “That’s why we believe in the importance of sharing Christmas Party Clubs and the true meaning of Christmas.”

For this year, CEF’s goal is to train 348,000 volunteers and conduct 367,000 Christmas Party Clubs to teach 12.6 million children about the Gospel and the true meaning of the holiday.

The clubs start in November, leading up to Christmas. Sometimes, they extend into January. CEF provides many club activities, including songs, Scripture memory and review games as well as Bible lessons.

One lesson, the “Light of Life” teaches children how God used light to announce the birth of His son. The lesson also allows children to create their own “Light of Life” cross and share the word of God with their family and friends.

“When you talk about a gift and, of course, children associate that with Christmas, and then you explain what the best gift was that they received or could receive, well, now it connects,” Pry said. “Their eyes get big, and they understand the reality that God loves them better than anyone could love them, and that’s what draws people.”

Last year, CEF staff and volunteers held 295,000 clubs and delivered the Gospel to 9.1 million children worldwide, growing from 169,000 clubs in 2022, reaching over 6.2 million children. In 2023, the ministry also conducted 12,900 training seminars and trained 277,500 volunteers.

According to Pry, the volunteers work within the countries where the Christmas Party Club is held and are trained by CEF workers. The Bible-centered organization has around 3,600 staff members worldwide, many residing at refugee centers in other countries, who walk volunteers through the club materials and demonstrate how to use them.

Christmas Party Clubs are held in various countries, Pry said, including ones where Christians are persecuted. The CEF administrator stressed that this is why prayer is a vital component of the organization’s mission.

“We often say, in fact, it’s one of our value points at CEF; it’s not the meetings we hold or the decisions we make that bring the strongest results to our ministry,” Pry said. “It’s the time spent before the throne of God in prayer, and that’s how we move forward.”

“In these countries that are dangerous for Christians, we pray,” he added. “We pray a lot.”

He cited this as one of the reasons why CEF holds the 50 Days of Prayer, a worldwide effort that started on the first of November. At the time of the interview, Pry said that over 400 people worldwide had signed up to join CEF in 50 Days of Prayer. While the numbers related to the Christmas Party Club are still coming in, the ministry leader confirmed CEF has already begun teaching children.

Pry expressed gratitude toward the individual donors who believe in CEF’s mission, noting that providing free materials like this worldwide typically costs the organization over $1 million. Last year, one donor gave more than $500,000 to support CEF’s work.

“When we look at our world today, there’s a lot of people, you know, that do good things that are helping people, that are helping children, providing food and clothing, but when you think about a person’s eternal destiny, what value do you put on that?” Pry asked.

“That’s what this donor recognized, and many people like that donor recognize,” he added. “The value of a life spent for eternity is invaluable, and they are willing to support that.”
Sources:Christian Post

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10 steps to spice up your prayer life in the new year



Happy New Year! Today, many of us are evaluating our routines, hoping to make improvements for 2025. A new year is an ideal time to take inventory of our prayer lives — both individually and corporately — which is why I want to encourage you with some ways to grow in prayer in this new year.

Before Jesus went to the cross, He spent time praying in the garden of Gethsemane with His disciples. He asked Peter, James, and John to pray with Him at a distance. After an hour, He returned to find the disciples sleeping rather than praying, so He inquired, “So, you men could not keep watch with Me for one hour? Keep watching and praying that you may not enter into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Matt 26:40-41).

Jesus’ words inspire reflection about our understanding of prayer. He highlights three helpful truths to guide our times before the throne of grace.

First, an hour of prayer is not exceptional.

Second, a disciplined prayer life is the source of spiritual strength. These disciples must not have prayed very well, if at all, because they scattered when the guards arrived.

Finally, the obstacle to a vibrant prayer life is the flesh. The spirit mentioned in Matthew 26 is most likely the human spirit, regenerated by the Holy Spirit — desiring to do right, but battling fleshly desires. Tragically, and most frustratingly, our flesh would prefer to do almost anything but pray.

When we look at these foundational truths, we see three key elements to this encouragement toward greater prayer. An hour of prayer is a reasonable expectation. Prayer will provide increased spiritual power. And when we pray, we wage war against the flesh.

This encouragement therefore involves three elements:

Pray for one hour in one or two sittings one day each week of the year.
Pick the same day and time of the week as much as possible.
Put this time on your calendar and make it a top priority.
I would also encourage you to pick a consistent prayer pattern for the other six days of the week, whether that is using some elements of the template below, using lists, or setting a fixed amount of time.

Because the flesh is weak, pick a prayer partner who has agreed to seek to grow in prayer this next year using this template. Pick someone who is the same gender and that you trust to encourage you and hold you accountable. Make sure you both ask each other on a regular basis how prayer is going and how you can pray for one another.

It also might be useful to employ a prayer journal to see how God works through your prayers in 2025.

Perhaps the question going through your minds is this: What am I going to pray about for an hour? This query arises because prayer often feels redundant. Thankfully, the Bible is full of prayer instructions, showing many ways to communicate with the Lord that fit countless situations. These ways allow us to be as systematic as a list of requests or as creative as a poem or a song.

Here’s a template to work through during your hour, and you can apply it to the other days and / or mix it up however you wish. These aspects have been developed from Dick Eastman’s book The Hour that Changes the World. I’ve modified some of the points due to theological deficiencies in some parts of the book. (Suggested time to spend in each aspect of prayer is listed in parentheses.)

The first aspect is praise (5 minutes)

Open your time by focusing on God’s attributes. He is holy, righteous, merciful, gracious, love, kind, patient, and so much more. Focus on who God is in Himself, not in relation to you personally (time for that will come later). Worship Him and praise His glory. We see many examples of this praise throughout Scripture, especially in Psalms (Psalm 135:5-7, 145:8-9, 150:1-2). This time helps focus your attention away from yourself and on God alone.

The second is waiting (2 minutes).

This area is often overlooked in prayer, yet the Bible contains numerous places where we are commanded to wait on the Lord, including several in the Psalms, where the psalmist pauses for divine intervention (Psalm 27:14, 40:1). Waiting should always characterize Christians’ general attitude before the Lord. We also should also ask for perseverance to wait for God’s intervention during and following our requests. During this time we also seek the Spirit’s guidance in our prayer time, that we might pray according to God’s will and not in the flesh.

The third aspect: confession (5 minutes).

Here, we might examine ourselves to ask God to show us if there is any wicked way in us (Ps 139:23-24). We should confess any sins we remember, sins we recognize not only in us but in God’s people corporately, and the sins of our nation, seeking God’s mercy. Parents can confess the sins of their children, following Job’s example of godly parenting. We can thank God for His forgiveness to us and to all who confess their sins to Him.

The fourth section of our hour is Scripture praying (8 minutes).

In this section, we open our Bibles and pray God’s Word back to Him. Use the Psalms for starters. Then move on to other areas, such as praying the Lord’s prayer, the fruit of the Spirit, the Sermon on the Mount, Paul’s prayers for the churches, and so on. To pray the Scriptures is nothing more than to respond to God’s Word in prayer. Pray for yourself and others as you pray through Scripture.

The fifth is intercession (15 minutes).

Here we pray for our families, friends, neighbors, the lost, our nation and its leaders, missions and church leaders, persecuted Christians, co-workers, and others who need prayer. This is where a prayer journal comes in handy, or a list of things people have asked you to remember in prayer.

At this point, ask God to put any needs He wants you to pray for in your heart. The Spirit often works by reminding believers of things that are suddenly in our minds even though these may not be on our list. So here we want to ask the Lord through His Spirit to guide us, bring needs to mind, burden our hearts with His will, and then pray as He directs.

The sixth category is petition (5 minutes).

This one is praying for your own godly desires and needs, and it needs no further elaboration.

Seventh: thanksgiving (5 minutes).

When we come to thanksgiving, we thank God for things He has done for us or those around us. We might praise God that He is sovereign, and then in thanksgiving we thank Him for sovereignly protecting us from some unforeseen danger. We might praise God for saving sinners, and then in thanksgiving we thank Him for our salvation. We might praise God for being gracious, and then we thank Him for giving grace to overcome temptation. A journal also can come in handy here, because we can thank God for His answers.

The eighth aspect of prayer is singing (5 minutes).

When we sing to the Lord, we are praying to Him. You can sing with recorded music, a hymnal or your memory, or an instrument. You can even make up your own songs. If you are not accustomed to singing, this will not only have the benefit of adding a wonderful element to prayer, it also will help you feel a little better about singing out in church.

The ninth phase is meditation (5 minutes).

The term meditation has been co-opted by New Age idolatry and Eastern mysticism, but those are really perversions of what is a biblical concept (Joshua 1:8, Psalm 1:2, Psalm 77:6, Psalm 77:12). Biblical meditation is not the emptying of your mind, but the filling of your mind with the Word and works of God. Spend five minutes pondering, considering, remembering, and rejoicing in God’s majesty and wonderful works (Ps 145:5). This mindset should become a way of thinking throughout the day, which is achieved by spending time meditating on these things in prayer. You also will begin to memorize Scripture more as you meditate on it.

The final section returns to praise (5 minutes).

We begin and end with praise — and how can we not? When we think upon God and His works, we are naturally led to this wonderful climax of praising Him!

That takes you to a full hour of engaging with God, communicating with Him and hearing Him speak in His Word.

Will you seek to grow in your prayer life this year in a significant way? Will you commit to being intentionally prayerful all year long? Will you pick a day and time to pray for one hour each week? Will you commit to praying consistently the other six days? Will you find a prayer partner to encourage you?

The goal of this encouragement is a step toward a lifetime of dedicated, committed, powerful, Spirit-filled prayer. And the ultimate goal is to be devoted to prayer for God’s glory. Happy New Year!
Sources:Christian Post

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‘Jesus Is Real, God Is Real, Heaven Is Real’: Woman Dies and Visits Heaven after Heart Attack



At first, Janelle Wooford thought she was having indigestion. When her pain got worse, she called 911. Then, moments after the EMTs arrived, Janelle says everything went white, and she experienced the afterlife.

“I didn’t have pain at all. What is everyone back on earth doing? I wasn’t worried about that. I wasn’t worried about anything and I was just overwhelmed with the peace and the joy and the glory of it all,” Janelle recalls.

It all started with a heart attack that killed her. That’s when Janelle’s spirit was transported to Heaven.

“Pretty quickly after finishing eating I had a feeling that was heavy in my chest, but just felt like indigestion and didn’t really think a whole lot of it,” Janelle tells CBN. “Then I noticed pain in my left shoulder. It started to kind of go up near my jaw.”

“My breathing was getting a little harder, shallow, and all of a sudden I got real clammy and sweaty,” Janelle said. “That’s when I really started to think, well, maybe this really is something going on with my heart. I called for my daughter to come out to talk to me, and I let her know I wasn’t feeling right, that I felt like I might need to go to the hospital.”

“She’s like, ‘call 911,'” Janelle says, describing her daughter’s frantic response. “So, I did. They came in and I remember the EMT started asking me questions, who I was, how I was feeling, and I started to describe to him the pain and what all the symptoms were that I was feeling. All of a sudden, I just said, ‘My head feels funny.’ I said, ‘And my vision.’ And at that point all I saw, it was like this veil—this white, cloudy veil just kind of came down. And that was it.”

“The next thing I know is I was just in a bright, bright place and was overwhelmed with joy and peace and happiness,” Janelle said as she found herself in Heaven. “I was looking around at everything, everyone, just trying to see who all was there. It was a place of comfort. It was like a familiar place. I knew people that I loved were there, and I was looking to see what all was there and who all was there. It was just beautiful. No pain, no fear, just peace, comfort, joy. It was amazing. Why would you want to leave? I didn’t.”

“As I’m doing all that, I hear my name called out,” Janelle says, putting her hand to her ear. “I was like, ‘No thank you, I’m happy here. I’m staying here. I’m enjoying this. I’m not leaving this.’ Then I heard my name again and I’m like, ‘Oh, do I have to answer?’ I said, ‘Maybe if I answer, they’ll let me come back.’ So, I answered, and the moment I answered to my name—the minute I answered my name, it was gone. I was back right there with the EMTs, no longer in Heaven.”

“Then they just started letting me know what was going on,” Janelle says about the EMTs attending to her. “They told me I had actually had a heart attack, that they had to perform CPR and shock my heart to get me back. He said that it was about two to two and a half minutes that I had been dead, that I had no heartbeat.”

She was taken to a hospital where her diagnosis was rendered.

“I ended up having a tear in one of my arteries, a very small tear,” Janelle says. “They gave me some heart medications and said that I should be alright and that it should heal up on its own. I was only in the hospital for two days and I was able to go home.”

“I really believe the Lord let me go through this for my daughter,” Janelle says of her Heavenly experience. “So, that she can have that reassurance to know, truly know, that Jesus is real, God is real, Heaven is real and it’s all worth it. To know that whatever you go through on this earth, in this earthly life, as bad and as hard as it is, it’s worth it to know Jesus as your Savior and to trust God with all you’re going through.”

“There is nothing on this earth that can even give you a comprehension of how amazing and glorious the peace and the joy is up there. The knowledge of knowing that Heaven is there waiting on me, on everyone that trusts and believes in Him—it’s just amazing.”

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Evangelical pastor, family members killed after church service in Colombia



A beloved Evangelical pastor and two family members were killed in northern Colombia while outside a restaurant after a church service on Sunday.

A gunman on a motorcycle killed Pastor Marlon Lora of the Prince of Peace Villaparaguay Church, his wife, Yorley Rincon, and 24-year-old daughter, Angela Lora Rincón, in the municipality of Aguachica. Their 21-year-old son, Santiago Lora Rincón, was injured in the shooting.

Lora and his church were part of the Missionaries Biblical Churches (IBM) denomination, in which he traveled to and oversaw nearly three dozen urban and rural churches across different regions in the country, according to the United Kingdom-based watchdog organization Christian Solidarity Worldwide.

The couple’s supervisor, Pastor Giovanni Bermúdez, said Pastor Lora had earlier been concerned about potential threats made against another pastor.

“Marlon was like many of us pastors — we keep quiet about many things so that everything runs smoothly, even while we carry heavy burdens inside,” Bermúdez was quoted as saying.

Lora and his family were also cherished by the Christian community in Aguachica, according to Pastor Divanit Alfonso Calle, president of the Association of Pastors of Aguachica. Ángela worked as a communications and journalism professional for Aguachica’s public utilities company and Santiago serves as a systems engineering student.

The national government announced a reward of up to 50 million pesos ($11,000) for anyone with information about the slaying of the family, the Spanish newspaper El Pais reports.

Mayor Greisy Roqueme of Aguachica declared a curfew on Sunday night.

“We cannot allow violence to steal our hope, so I demand that the National Government, the Minister of Defense and the Public Force turn their attention to the department of Cesar, but above all to the municipality of Aguachica,” Roqueme said in a video on social media, El Pais notes.

The massacre also drew the response of President Gustavo Petro and Director of Religious Affairs of the Ministry of the Interior Alexander Jaimes.

“We express our solidarity with the families of the victims and the religious community,” Jaimes said in a statement, according to the Argentina-based online newspaper Infobae.

Anna Lee Stangl, the director of advocacy for CSW, called on the Colombian government to “ensure protection for religious leaders, who remain at risk of violence and intimidation because of their role as peacemakers in their communities.”

“As the government continues its post-conflict negotiations with the armed groups, including the National Liberation Army (ELN), which is known to target religious leaders in areas where it operates — such as the Aguachica region — we urge the government to recognize victims from the religious sector within the framework of the individual peace accords,” Stangl said.

In October, Colombia’s Ombudsman’s Office reported an increase in violations of religious freedom rights by 31% between 2023 and 2024, which includes “discriminatory treatment towards churches and religious denominations, as well as death threats against religious leaders and authorities.” Death threats increased by 50% between 2023 and 2024.

The murder of Pastor Lora and his family continues a troubling trend of deadly violence impacting Christians in Colombia in recent months, according to CSW.

In November, Ever and Gerson Garcia Velez, brothers who attended church at Valle Del Cauca, were killed by three men on their own farm. On Nov. 11, Pastor Salvador Zapateiro Mercado was killed in circumstances in Cartagena. In August, the home of a pastoral couple was set ablaze by neighbors upset with the services they would hold outside their home.

Colombia ranks as the 34th worst country in the world when it comes to Christian persecution, according to Open Doors International’s 2024 World Watch List.

“[C]hurch leaders continue to be harassed, extorted and murdered due to the violence around control of territories between armed guerillas, drug gangs and other armed groups,” Open Doors warns. “Christians in these areas who dare to speak publicly about corruption and violence face attacks for their bold witness. Similarly, church leaders who oppose criminal activities in their sermons also can be targeted.”
Sources:Christian Post

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