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Answered Prayer: Dallas Jenkins Reveals Incredible, Unlikely Path God Paved to His Latest Hollywood Hit



TV and film director Dallas Jenkins has forever etched a name for himself in Hollywood history with his record-breaking creation of “The Chosen,” the Jesus-themed series that has taken the world by storm.

But Jenkins recently recognized another dream of his: bringing author Barbara Robinson’s 1972 novel “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” to the big screen. The film by the same name, which released Nov. 8 in theaters nationwide, was very literally an answer to Jenkins’ long-uttered prayers.

The director recently appeared on “Higher Ground With Billy Hallowell” to share how his faith and the power of prayer led to some truly incredible events and, ultimately, the making of that film.

According to Jenkins, he simply felt called by God to make the movie.

“The difference between my own desire and God’s desire … one of the best tests of that is … when you first have an idea or … something God puts on your heart, and if it just doesn’t let go of you … I think that’s one of the best signs that it could be a calling from God,” Jenkins said. “And there’s others as well.”

He said he immediately knew after reading the novel that he was “born to make this movie.”

Hear Jenkins share the powerful story:

“I just said, ‘I believe this is a movie that I was born to make,'” Jenkins said.

He immediately began reaching out to the rights holders to share his vision and heart for the movie, but he soon discovered they were already working with another studio.

Jenkins was saddened but undissuaded.

“Every year, I would check in,” he said. “Every year, I would bug them, and every year the answer was the same.”

During that time, Jenkins also did something else: he created a recurring calendar reminder on his phone and laptop that included just three words: “Pray for Pageant.” It was a reminder for him to take time each and every week to pray for God to open a pathway to make the movie.

“I’d love to tell you that I prayed the holy prayer of, ‘Whatever God’s will is, I’ll be happy with,'” he quipped. “I was praying against this movie being made by anyone else. I was praying that God would let me have it, and I’m being a little lighthearted, but, ultimately, I really did believe God was putting this on my heart.”

After five years, Jenkins found out the studio looking to make “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” wasn’t working out. Sadly, though, yet another big studio jumped into the mix, once again axing his ability to get the rights to the film.

“I went and told my wife, and we were so upset, and we had tears in our eyes,” Jenkins recapped. “And I really felt like it was over, and I went to my computer to sit down and get some work done and, ‘ping,’ [the calendar invite pops up] taunting me, ‘Pray for Pageant.'”

He continued, “And what are the odds? What are the odds? … I grabbed the mouse, I moved the cursor up to the delete button, and I was gonna delete this prayer prompt, because I said, ‘I can’t do it anymore. I can’t keep getting my hopes up. If this isn’t for me, I need to stop.'”

But Jenkins said he felt God telling him not to click the delete button and to keep hoping.

“I wanted to delete it and God just wouldn’t let me,” he said, noting that he opted to once again pray.

Jenkins was already working on “The Chosen” at that time, with the series quickly blowing up into a phenomenon. Still, his thirst to make “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” progressed.

Eventually, he reached back out to the rights owners and learned the film was again stalled. And that’s when the story truly gets interesting.

“He says, ‘You know what, Dallas? It’s kind of a funny coincidence you reached out, ’cause just last week, the studio forgot to renew the rights. We got them back. They’re asking us to renew, but we haven’t been happy. They’ve been taking too long. And just a couple of days ago, my mom reached out to me and said, ‘Have you seen this show called ‘The Chosen?’ and I said, ‘Oh, that’s funny, the creator of the show is always bugging me to watch it, and always bugging me for the rights to this movie.'”

The rights holder’s mother, upon hearing this, told her son to give Jenkins the rights and the rest is, well, history. Jenkins was granted the rights, the film was made, and it has now grossed more than $25 million at the box office.

Jenkins believes it’s a remarkable testament to the power of prayer, trust, and God’s timing.


‘God Is in This’: Chris Tomlin Reveals Powerful Providence Behind New Movie ‘The Last Supper’



“No one’s heard it.”

It’s easy to chalk things up to coincidence, to believe in happy accidents and happenstance. Chris Tomlin could have very easily credited chance — random serendipity — for his timely connection to an upcoming Christian movie. But he doesn’t; instead, he sees it as divine, predestined providence.

The famed recording artist and worship leader is stepping into a new role: executive producer.

Tomlin, 52, is seated in the producer’s chair for the new movie, “The Last Supper,” set to debut in theaters nationwide March 14. The film, from Pinnacle Peak Pictures, the distribution studio launched nearly 20 years ago by David A.R. White of Pure Flix fame, centers on the days leading up to wayward disciple Judas’ betrayal of Jesus as the Savior’s closest followers gather for a final meal before His impending crucifixion.

When he was first approached by the creators of “The Last Supper,” Tomlin said they asked if he had a song — or could write one — that would work for the film.

“I played a couple songs [and I said], ‘I’ve got this one I just wrote and no one’s heard it — literally, no one’s heard it,’” he recalled of his conversation with the filmmakers. “[I] played it for them and I had not seen the movie when I wrote this song and it just went perfectly with this movie. And I was like, ‘OK, this feels like something that’s right.’”

Finding the song tied to a theatrically released movie was certainly not on Tomlin’s radar when he wrote “No Greater Love” alongside Tyler Hubbard of the country music duo Florida Georgia Line during a writing retreat at 20th century novelist Ernest Hemingway’s home in Ketchum, Idaho.

Hubbard and a couple other country songwriters told Tomlin they wanted to write a worship song with the “Holy Forever” singer, explaining they wanted the theme to focus on John 15:13, which reads, “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends”..

“Line for line, [I was] like, ‘Wow, this fits so perfectly,” he said. “It was just one of those moments you’re like, ‘OK, we’re in the flow. … God is in this.’ He’s like, ‘I’m putting the pieces together. You didn’t even know I was putting these pieces together, but I’ve got this little plan.’”

“So much of my life,” Tomlin reflected, “is like, ‘Wow, I did not see these pieces coming together like this,’ but you’re just trying to be faithful and follow and walk with God, and it’s amazing what happens.”

Tomlin’s life — and career as a worship leader — has been a sequence of “pieces coming together.”

Of his role not only writing and recording worship music but traveling the world to lead people in worship, Tomlin said he feels the immense responsibility of the calling God has placed on his life.

“I always pray this prayer: ‘God, if your presence does not show up, then there’s not going to be any real lasting [impact],’” he said. “What I mean is I always pray for the presence of God to touch people. “

The singer-songwriter referenced the Old Testament passage Exodus 33:16, as Moses was leading the Israelites out of Sinai and toward the Promised Land. In the verse Moses said to God, “How will anyone know that you look favorably on me — on me and on your people — if you don’t go with us? For your presence among us sets your people and me apart from all other people on the earth”.

As he picks up his guitar and plays the chords to his songs, Tomlin said his prayer is those who hear him “sense God’s presence.”

“There’s nothing like the sound of the people of God singing the praises of God in the presence of God,” he reflected. “And when that happens, it’s so powerful.”

Tomlin went on to say his concerts should be distinguishable from secular shows, not because he’s a better artist but because “your soul is singing to a living God” when you sing worship songs.

“What we’re doing here is eternal,” he said.

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‘Jesus Is King’: Biggest Streamer in the World ‘Ninja’ Shares Gospel With Fans



Tyler Blevins is one of the most prolific video-game streamers on the internet, with a Twitch account boasting more than 19 million followers and a YouTube channel with nearly 24 million subscribers. So when he says something, it makes an impact.

During a recent stream, Blevins, who goes by “Ninja” online, said, “Yes, dude, Jesus is King. I mean, and if — even if you don’t think He is — don’t judge me for it, and I won’t judge you for it, man. I do, I just feel it’s so crazy, man.”

In 2019, for example, the viral gamer revealed during a livestream doctors pressured his mother to abort him after prenatal tests suggested he could suffer from spina bifida or Down syndrome.

Thanking his mother for not pursuing an abortion for him or his two brothers, Blevins said, “My mom is a saint and an angel and I love her to death.”

During his recent faith-related comments, “Ninja” offered his perspective on how to approach conversations about religion, encouraging listeners to engage to listen and learn rather than to force their own beliefs onto others.

“When you’re talking to somebody and you’re having a conversation, that’s an important conversation, right?” he said. “[W]hen you’re talking to someone, don’t talk to that person to change their mind, right? You’re talking to this person, you know, you’re just talking to them, right? And if you end up changing their mind, that’s great.”

Faith, he continued, shouldn’t be born out of fear but out of a desire to enter into a relationship with God.

“We don’t need something like the threat of the end of times to start becoming better humans and developing a relationship with the Lord,” said Blevins. “You know what I mean, dude? Anyways, I’m never here to push anything on you guys. I love you all — no matter what. And in the chat, we respect all religions, all people … Someone has no religion? We love everybody, dude.”

And for those who already are Christians, the well-known YouTuber emphasized the value of prayer.

He said he is “a better person and in a better mindset” since he committed himself to daily prayer.

“The most important thing I preach personally is that you just gotta love everybody — and I mean everybody,” he recently said. “It’s all about respect and never belittling someone else’s faith, no matter what it is.”

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Actor’s Faith, Biblical Understanding Transformed after Taking Starring Role in ‘House of David’ Series on Prime Video



Michael Iskander landed the role of a lifetime when he was cast to play David in Prime’s new series “House of David.”

Before the show’s Feb. 27 premiere, Iskander reflected on the “life-changing” ability to join the cast in such a pivotal role.

“I think David is one of the most interesting people because … there’s so much duality in him,” he said. “He’s the epitome of what it means to be human, to make mistakes, but to truly have a heart for God—and a heart that seeks after God’s own heart.”

Iskander, who said he feels “blessed” to be able to tell this story, explained how his experience portraying David transformed how he sees Scripture and the people presented within it.

“Now, I view it from a point of view as just human beings,” he said. “And so I put the context of that time and of these people into the story … it just puts a whole different perspective on the Bible, and I think it makes it that much more interesting to read and to discover.”

Iskander said it’s exciting to be able to have such a fascinating lens into Scripture. He spoke about the importance of trusting God and allowing the Lord to guide his path, citing Proverbs 3:5-6. In the end, he knows “House of David” is entertainment for many, but believes the project is really all about the Lord.

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