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Christians banned from 8 villages in India’s Chhattisgarh state



In the central Indian state of Chhattisgarh, eight village councils have passed a resolution that bans Christians from staying in their villages, requiring them to either renounce their faith or leave. The order impacts about 100 Christians whose property and fields were threatened with confiscation if they did not comply, according to reports.

The villages in Sukma district collectively approved the resolution, instructing Christians to either abandon their faith or face the loss of all belongings and property, reported the U.K.-based organization Christian Solidarity Worldwide.

A local leader from one of the affected villages, Michwar, upheld the decree, reportedly asserting that the authority of the village councils supersedes India’s Constitution, which guarantees freedom of religion under Article 25.

The ban, which appears to be a targeted effort to eradicate Christianity in these areas, has forced at least 40 people from their homes, according to Asia News.

On Nov. 18, a group of Christians lodged a complaint at the Gadiras Police Station, presenting audio evidence of statements made by the village chief of Michwar. However, the police refused to register a formal complaint, which is necessary to initiate a legal investigation.

Instead, police officers asked the complainants to take them to the fields. When they arrived, they encountered a mob of about 1,500 people who had begun looting the Christians’ crops and demanding their renouncement of Christianity. The police subsequently withdrew without intervening, leaving the community without protection.

On Nov. 19, representatives from the Chhattisgarh Christian Forum approached the district collector and the superintendent of police, urging them to take action. The authorities suggested that a complaint be filed.

Despite the directive, the registration was delayed until Nov. 21, leaving villagers without recourse in the immediate aftermath of the looting.

About 40 villagers whose properties were destroyed are now seeking shelter in a church building in Michwar. The lack of immediate police action has contributed to the sense of vulnerability among Christians in the region who fear continued attacks and persecution.

Asia News quoted Fr. Thomas Vadakumkara of the Jagadalpur diocese as saying that “fundamental rights are systematically denied” to Christians across many districts of Chhattisgarh. He explained that Christians are denied the right to cultivate their fields, bury their dead and live on their own land.

The violence and forced eviction of Christians from the villages of Sukma come against a backdrop of increasing tension for the community across India.

The United Christian Forum, a Delhi-based organization, recorded 673 incidents of violence against Christians across India through October this year. Chhattisgarh itself accounts for 139 of these incidents, ranking second only to Uttar Pradesh in terms of reported hate crimes.

In a separate incident on Oct. 30 in Chhattisgarh’s Dantewada district, a group of 14 Christians was reportedly attacked by a mob as police officers watched, reported the U.S.-based persecution watchdog International Christian Concern.

The Christians, who had defied orders to abandon their faith and proceeded to harvest crops from a communal field, were beaten with wooden rods. Several victims, including two women, sustained serious injuries, including broken bones and head trauma. The homes of the victims were also destroyed, and the police officer attempting to intervene was injured during the attack.

Nagesh Micha, a Christian rights activist, questioned the police’s inaction. “The police, which are supposed to uphold the fundamental rights of an individual, have allowed 14 people to be beaten in their presence. This means there are higher authorities who are supporting the mobs,” he was quoted as saying.

Chhattisgarh’s Sukma and Dantewada districts are part of the state’s tribal, or indigenous, belt, where local councils, or panchayats, often wield considerable influence.
Sources:Christian Post


Indian Christians step up protests against anti-conversion law



More than 50,000 Christians in India’s Arunachal Pradesh state gathered to protest a government plan to revive a stringent 40-year-old anti-conversion law, fearing its misuse to target and victimize them.

“We oppose the Arunachal Pradesh Freedom of Religion Act, 1978 because it curtails our religious rights,” said Tara Miri, the president of the Arunachal Christian Forum (ACF).

Christians from all 29 districts and different church denominations turned up for the March 6 protest and “filled all our 50,000 chairs” in an open ground state capital, Itanagar.

“There are 46 Christian denominations in the state, and members of all of them joined the protest because we feel the state government should not implement the law,” Miri said.

The anti-conversion law was first introduced in 1978 to protect the traditional religious practices of indigenous communities from external influence or coercion.

But it remained dormant for over 45 years as successive governments failed to frame the rules.

On Sept. 30 last year, the Gauhati High Court’s permanent bench in Itanagar directed the state government to finalize the rules within six months after a public interest litigation by a citizen against the government’s failure to enforce the law.

The law prohibits religious conversion “by use of force or inducement or by fraudulent means” and has provision for a two-year jail term or a fine up to Rs 10,000 if found guilty.

The law also mandates that every conversion has to be reported to the deputy commissioner, a top officer in the state’s districts. A failure to report an intended conversion shall attract a penalty.

The current push to implement the law represents a significant shift in policy, raising questions about religious freedom and cultural preservation in the northeastern state, said ACF.

Pema Khandu, the chief minister of Arunachal Pradesh, defended the move by saying his government is simply complying with court orders.

“The draft rules are being prepared as per legal directives,” he said, urging the public not to misinterpret the intent.

The ACF has been vocal against the Act, staging an eight-hour hunger strike on Feb. 17 in Itanagar, followed by a meeting with Mama Natung, the state home minister, on Feb. 21.

The discussions with the minister remain inconclusive, it said.

As tensions rise, the state government has assured further dialogue with religious leaders while proceeding with the rule-framing process as mandated by the court.

Meanwhile, a section of the indigenous faith followers is holding marches to support the implementation of the anti-conversion law.

“This act is for people of all faiths in Arunachal Pradesh. It will serve all. This is not at all unconstitutional,” Kamjai Taism, an indigenous faith leader, told media people.

Christians make up 30.26 percent of state’s 1.4 million people, while Hindus are 29.04 percent, indigenous faiths 26.20 percent, Buddhists 11.77 percent, and Muslims 1.95 percent.

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ഉത്തരേന്ത്യയിലെ റായ്പ്പൂർ ചർച്ച് ഓഫ് ഗോഡ് സഭയിൽ വിശുദ്ധ സഭാ ആരാധന മദ്ധ്യേ ഒരു കൂട്ടം സുവിശേഷ വിരോധികൾ കയറി അക്രമം നടത്തി.



റായ്പ്പൂർ : ഉത്തരേന്ത്യയിലെ റായ്പ്പൂരിൽ കർത്തൃദാസൻ പാസ്റ്റർ പ്രവീൺ ലോറൻസ് ശുശ്രൂഷകനായ ചർച്ച് ഓഫ് ഗോഡ് സഭയിൽ മാർച്ച്‌ 9 ഞാറാഴ്ച്ച രാവിലെ വിശുദ്ധ സഭാ ആരാധന മദ്ധ്യേ സഭാ ഹാളിൽ അതിക്രമിച്ച് കയറി ഒരു കൂട്ടം സുവിശേഷ വിരോധികൾ അക്രമം നടത്തി വിശ്വാസികളെ ഉപദ്രവിക്കുകയും അവിടെ നിർത്തിയിട്ടിരുന്ന വാഹനങ്ങൾ അടിച്ച് തകർക്കുകയും ചെയ്തു. നിരവധി പോലീസുകാർ സംഭവ സ്ഥലത്ത് ഉടൻ എത്തിയിട്ടും സ്ഥിതിഗതികൾ നിയന്ത്രണത്തിൽ കൊണ്ട് വരുവാൻ കഴിഞ്ഞിട്ടില്ല.
എല്ലാ പ്രിയ ദൈവമക്കളും ഇവിടെയുള്ള ദൈവസഭക്കും, ദൈവദാസനും, ദൈവമക്കൾക്കും വേണ്ടി ശക്തമായി പ്രാർത്ഥിക്കുവാൻ ദൈവനാമത്തിൽ അപേക്ഷിക്കുന്നു.
Sources:Love Life Light

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ക്രൈസ്റ്റ് അംബാസഡേഴ്സ് തിരുവല്ല സെക്ഷൻ യുവജനസംഗമം മാർച്ച് 31 ന്



എജി തിരുവല്ല സെക്ഷൻ ക്രൈസ്റ്റ് അംബാസഡേഴ്സിന്റെ നേതൃത്വത്തിൽ ‘KAIROS ‘എന്ന പേരിൽ യുവജന സമ്മേളനം മാർച്ച്‌ 31 ന് വൈകിട്ട് 5:30 മുതൽ ബഥേൽ കുറ്റപ്പുഴ എജിയിൽ നടക്കും. പാസ്റ്റർ മാത്യു ടി. ജോൺ മുഖ്യ അതിഥിയായി പങ്കെടുക്കും സെക്ഷൻ സി എ പ്രസിഡന്റ്‌ പാസ്റ്റർ സിജു മാത്യു അധ്യക്ഷത വഹിക്കും.സെക്രട്ടറി മോനു രമേശ്‌ നേതൃത്വം നല്കും

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