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The story behind the red letters in your Bible



Millions of people read the New Testament printed with the words of Jesus in red. Most people don’t realize that this is a relatively modern Evangelical tradition. This is the story …

Louis Klopsch

The idea was developed by a man called Louis Klopsch (1852-1910) who was born in Prussia on March 7, 1852. After his mother died in 1853, his father, Dr. Osmar Klopsch, took the family to the U.S. in 1854 and he was brought up in New York. Louis left school and worked in journalism rising through the ranks.

The Christian Herald

In 1874, a British weekly newspaper called The Christian Herald and Signs of Our Times was founded by Anglican clergyman the Rev. Michael Paget Baxter (1834-1910). He was popularly known as “Prophet Baxter” because of his frequent End Times predictions, and in the 1870s he supported Dwight Moody and Ira Sankey when they were in Britain.

In 1878, an American edition called The New York Christian Herald was started by Joseph Spurgeon, a cousin of the famous preacher Charles Haddon Spurgeon, based at 63 Bible House, New York. In 1898 Louis Klopsch became the editor, and in 1899 ended up buying it to become its proprietor. In 1901 the New York Christian Herald was renamed The Christian Herald by which time it had grown to have a large cross-denominational readership peaking at nearly a quarter of a million.

Klopsch became a good friend to prominent Evangelical leaders at the time like Thomas De Witt Talmage, Dwight Moody and Ira Sankey. The Herald alerted readers to crises around the world and rallied Christian support for relief, raising huge sums for famines in Russia (1892), India (1897), Cuba (1898), Sweden and Finland (1903), and Japan (1906), as well as an earthquake in Italy in 1908. In 1904, Klopsch received the Kaisar-i-Hind Medal First Class for services in India from King Edward VII, and in 1907 he received the Order of the Rising Sun from the Emperor of Japan.

The inspiration

On June 19, 1899, Klopsch was working on an editorial when he read Luke 22:20 in the King James Version where Jesus said: “This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you.” This gave him the idea of printing the very words of Jesus in the colour of blood, i.e. red.


The process of coloring some words in red, known as rubrication, was not in itself new. Klopsch may have been aware that rubrication had been common in medieval manuscript to emphasise certain passages, and was used to mark liturgical directions in Orthodox texts, but it was not the practice in printed Protestant Bibles. The ‘rubrication’ term comes from the Latin word ‘rubricare’ meaning to colour red, related to the word ruby.

At the time pretty much the only Bible translation in normal use was the Authorized or King James Version. This Bible dated back to a time before quotation marks were used as punctuation. Thus, in the KJV it was not obvious what was speech and what was not speech. Modern Bible versions now insert speech marks, but these did not exist in the King James Version, and so using red letters served a helpful purpose at the time.

First red letter Bible

Consulting various Bible scholars, Klopsch decided which parts to colour red. In 1899 the Christian Herald printed the first red letter New Testament, with a print run of 60,000. It was titled, “The New Testament … With All the Words Recorded Therein, as Having Been Spoken by Our Lord, Printed in Color.” This proved very popular, so in 1901, The Christian Herald printed the first red letter Bible titled “The Holy Bible: Red Letter Edition.”

In the 1901 Bible, Klopsch wrote: “The Red Letter Bible has been prepared and issued in the full conviction that it will meet the needs of the student, the worker, and the searchers after truth everywhere.” In the history of the Bible, this makes it a relatively modern innovation, and now it has become an Evangelical tradition.

Red sections

Some red letter Bible editions only include the words of Jesus in the four Gospels, but others also color sections in red in Acts and the epistles. For example some editions colour parts of Acts red where Jesus is quoted talking to Peter in Acts 10:13 and Acts 11:7 and 9, to Paul in Acts 10:15 and Acts 18:9-10, and where Jesus is quoted in Acts 11:16. Some editions also color red where Jesus is quoted at the Last Supper in 1 Corinthian 11:24-15 and where Jesus is quoted in 2 Corinthians 12:9.

Some Bibles color verses red in Revelation where John is spoken to in his vision e.g. Revelation 1:8, 11, 17-20 and the whole of Revelation Chapters 2 and 3, Revelation 4:1, Revelation 16:15 and Revelation 22:12-13, 16 and 20.


However, there are a number of problems with red letter Bibles. One issue is that it implies to the reader that we know exactly where speech started and finished. In most cases it is clear, but sometimes it’s not. There was no punctuation or speech marks in the original Greek. Where to start and stop the red letters is the decision of the editor. As a result, not all red letter editions are the same, and different editions color different sections in red. For example in the third Chapter of John, scholars disagree as to whether Jesus ends His message at verse 15 or at verse 21.

The use of red letters can give the idea that the red text is more important than the black text which it sits in. For some people, this is like a canon within the canon. The danger is that red letter editions of the Bible serve to create the idea that one part of the New Testament is more important than others. It can give the idea that the words of Jesus in red are the primary text and the rest in black is secondary. The color of the text isn’t meant to elevate one section over another, although it might have that effect in some people’s minds. From a practical point of view, adding red ink makes the Bible more expensive to produce.


For some people the idea of red letters for the words of Jesus is that it seems to honor Christ. The real advantages of red letter Bibles is in old versions like the King James Version which didn’t include speech marks, and so the red letters are helpful to quickly and easily identify the words of Jesus. For many people, it helps them to study by highlighting the words of Jesus.

On a practical level, looking at pages of black text is daunting. Modern Bibles break up the text into paragraphs and add sub-headings to make it easier to read and navigate. Adding color can also break up the page and make it visually more attractive and interesting.


By the time that Louis Klopsch died in New York 1910, aged 57, his idea had already been copied. He has no large memorial, just a granite stone with a small plaque. His greatest memorial is that today many Bible publishers produce red letter editions.
Sources:Christian Post

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Congolese Christians: Killed But Conquering



Late last week, ISIS-affiliated terrorists in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) rounded up 70 Christians, corralled them into a church, beheaded them, and left their bodies for others to find later. The facts are disturbing, and we naturally recoil from contemplating this barbaric display of Islamist violence. This horror seems a world away—not to mention a thousand years in the past.

But underneath the revulsion, if we force ourselves to stare at this evidence of human depravity a moment longer, what other emotions does it stir within us? One natural response is pity for the weak and defenseless villagers who were massacred unresistingly for no good reason. This may be quickly followed by a flash of thankfulness that we enjoy much greater security in America, that we may never face the business end of a sword for our faith.

But, when I suggest these are natural responses, I mean partly that these reactions come out of our fallen human nature. God’s Word would lead our thoughts in quite a different direction.

Firstly, we cannot indulge the fantasy that our situation is all that different from these Congolese Christians—at least considered from a perspective limited to this present age. We too are called to live self-sacrificial lives, walk blamelessly before a hostile world, and endure opposition for following Christ. If the Lord tarries, we too will die with our greatest hopes unrealized. Paul writes that, “If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied” (1 Corinthians 15:19).

But secondly, Scripture declares that these defenseless Christians are not pre-eminently pitiable, but blessed. “Blessed are you,” Jesus taught, “when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on My account” (Matthew 5:11). He added that anyone who heeds these words would be established like a house on a rock, which is able to withstand the oncoming storm (Matthew 7:24-25).

In His next discourse, Jesus rachets up the warning, “Brother will deliver brother over to death, and the father his child, and children will rise against parents and have them put to death, and you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved” (Matthew 10:21-22).

After repeating this call for endurance (Revelation 14:12), John records a heavenly confirmation of the blessedness of martyrs. “And I heard a voice from Heaven saying, ‘Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.’ ‘Blessed indeed,’ says the Spirit, ‘that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!'” (Revelation 14:13).

Why does Jesus consider persecuted, defenseless Christians to be “blessed”? One reason is that they are following in His footsteps. The night before He Himself was put to death, Jesus told His disciples, “Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. … But the word that is written in their Law must be fulfilled: ‘They hated me without a cause'” (John 15:20, 25).

Of course, Jesus’ death was quickly followed by His resurrection. And those who follow Him into death will also follow Him into everlasting life, since Jesus Christ is “the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep” (1 Corinthians 15:20). As Paul describes it, this is undeniably glorious: “What is sown is perishable; what is raised is imperishable. It is sown in dishonor; it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness; it is raised in power. It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body” (1 Corinthians 15:42-44).

In the moment “when the perishable puts on the imperishable, and the mortal puts on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written: ‘Death is swallowed up in victory'” (1 Corinthians 15:54).

Yet we live in the period of time between Jesus’ resurrection and the final resurrection, as the Lord patiently waits for all the elect to reach repentance (2 Peter 3:9) and the number of those martyred for the name of Jesus to be complete (Revelation 6:11).

John sees the souls of these slain saints crying out to God for justice, “O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before You will judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” (Revelation 6:10). When God does answer the prayer, the fortunes will be reversed. These martyrs will rise to everlasting glory, while their persecutors will face everlasting torment. Unless they repent and believe in the interim, the wicked will look for the pity they did not show, and they will not find it.

Thus, the slain in Christ are blessed because they have conquered. In following Christ, they have conquered death, as Paul describes. They conquered satan by their faithfulness, as John writes, “they have conquered him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death” (Revelation 12:11). And they will even live to see their Lord defeat the very persecutors who gained a temporary victory over their physical bodies.

This is true for all Believers. But it stands out in sharper relief for those who, like these Congolese Christians, God has caused to seal their witness with their blood. However weak, or helpless they appear in the world’s eyes, God calls them faithful, and God calls them blessed. “Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain” (1 Corinthians 15:58).

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Jesus Allegedly Appears to Man Amid Horrific Accident, Transforms His Entire Life



Samuel Brownback, co-chair of International Religious Freedom Summit, an annual gathering bringing thousands of leaders together to expose global religious persecution, recently shared some of the horrors — and elements of hope — unfolding across the world.

Among the more hope-filled stories, he documented the journey of a man from Nepal who converted from Hinduism to Christianity after experiencing an apparent visit from Christ.

“He was involved in a traffic accident,” Brownback said. “He wasn’t a believer in Jesus at the time. … [His] car went down the mountain [and the] friend with him was killed in the accident. He was able to get out of it, come back up, and try to find some help.”

At that point, though, this man reportedly had an encounter he would never forget.

“Jesus appears to him and Jesus says to him, ‘I saved you, now you follow me,’” Brownback said, noting that the exchange transformed the man’s entire life. “And he’s been one of the people that’s talked the most about following Jesus in Nepal.”

He continued, “And you hear story after story like that around the world, like these Pauline-type figures that are released on a country, and all they do is go out and tell their story.”

Brownback also recounted some of the more heartbreaking stories he has heard from people facing persecution. These anecdotal examples helped provide a backdrop against some of the alarming statistics of late showing persecution is on the rise.

Mainly, he mentioned the plight of a Ukrainian pastor who was reportedly persecuted amid ongoing tensions with Russia.

“The pastor got killed in front of his two sons,” Brownback said. “He was an evangelical pastor.”

Despite so much pain and uncertainty on the persecution front, Brownback said the positive stories and moves of God have afforded “great hope for what’s really happening in a troubled world.”

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43 കോടി രൂപയ്ക്ക് അമേരിക്കൻ പൗരത്വം: പുതിയ നയവുമായി ട്രംപ്



വാഷിങ്ടൺ: പൗരത്വം നൽകാൻ പുതിയ ഇമിഗ്രേഷൻ നയവുമായി യു.എസ് പ്രസിഡന്റ് ഡോണൾഡ് ട്രംപ്. 43 കോടി രൂപ നൽകി പൗരത്വം നേടാനുള്ള പുതിയ അവസരമാണ് യു.എസ് തുറന്നിടുന്നത്. ഗോൾഡ് കാർഡ് എന്ന പേരിലുള്ള പൗരത്വം പദ്ധതി അതിസമ്പന്നരെ ലക്ഷ്യമിട്ടുള്ളതാണ്.

ഗ്രീൻകാർഡിന്റെ പ്രീമിയം വേർഷനായാണ് പുതിയ പദ്ധതിയെ വിലയിരുത്തുന്നത്. യു.എസിൽ ദീർഘകാലം താമസിക്കുന്നതിനുള്ള അവസരമാണ് ഗോൾഡ് കാർഡിലൂടെ കൈവരിക. കഴിഞ്ഞ ദിവസമാണ് ട്രംപ് പുതിയ ഇമിഗ്രേഷൻ നയം അവതരിപ്പിച്ചത്.

അതിസമ്പന്നരായ ആളുക​ളെ യു.എസിലേക്ക് എത്തിച്ച് ​സർക്കാറിന് വരുമാനമുണ്ടാക്കുകയെന്ന ലക്ഷ്യം മുൻനിർത്തിയാണ് പുതിയ പദ്ധതിയെന്ന് അധികൃതർ അറിയിച്ചു. ഇ.ബി-5 ഇമിഗ്രന്റ് നിക്ഷേപക വിസക്ക് പകരമാണ് ഗോൾഡ് കാർഡ് എത്തുക. 800,000 ഡോളർ നിക്ഷേപിക്കുന്നവർക്കാണ് ഇ.ബി-5 വിസ ലഭിച്ചിരുന്നത്. യു.എസിൽ ജോലികൾ സൃഷ്ടിക്കുന്നവർക്കും ഈ വിസ ലഭിക്കും.

ഇ.ബി-5 വിസ പദ്ധതിക്ക് അവസാനിപ്പിച്ച് ഗോൾഡ് കാർഡ് കൊണ്ടു വരികയാണെന്ന് കൊമേഴ്സ് സെക്രട്ടറി ഹൗവാർഡ് ലുട്നിക് പറഞ്ഞു. ഒരു കോടി ഗോൾഡ് കാർഡുകൾ വിറ്റ് യു.എസിന്റെ സാമ്പത്തിക പ്രതിസന്ധി ഒഴിവാക്കുകയാണ് ട്രംപിന്റെ ലക്ഷ്യം

Soon, the investor-favourite EB-5 visa will be replaced by a far costlier ‘gold card’ visa. US President Donald Trump on Wednesday announced a programme that would offer residency and a path to citizenship for investors willing to pay $5 million (approximately Rs 43.7 crore). This move introduces a new avenue for legal immigration while the administration continues its crackdown on undocumented migrants.

Trump said the programme, dubbed the “gold card,” would launch in two weeks. However, the details of its implementation remain unclear.

“We’re going to be selling a gold card,” Trump said Tuesday in the Oval Office as he signed executive orders alongside Commerce Secretary Howard Lutnick. “We’re going to be putting a price on that card of about $5 million, and that’s going to give you green card privileges,” he added, referencing the permits issued to US permanent residents.

Lutnick indicated that this would replace the existing EB-5 programme, which allows immigrant investors to acquire green cards by investing a certain amount in a US business.

Asked whether applicants would need to invest a certain amount to qualify, Lutnick said, “Yeah, exactly,” but suggested that the funds might be paid directly to the government instead.

“The president said rather than having this sort of ridiculous EB-5 programme, we’re going to end the EB-5 programme. We’re going to replace it with the Trump gold card,” he said. “They’ll be able to pay $5 million to the US government—not to skip vetting, of course. We’re going to make sure they are wonderful, world-class global citizens.”

“They can come to America. The president can give them a green card, and they can invest in America. We can use that money to reduce our deficit,” he added.

EB-5 visa

The employment-based EB-5 visa provides a direct pathway to a green card. Over recent years, interest in the programme had grown among Indians. “With the uncertainty surrounding H-1B policies and long waiting times for green cards, many professionals, particularly those already in the US, are looking at EB-5 as a more secure, long-term solution,” said Akshat Gupta, director of business development at US Immigration Fund (USIF), in a discussion with Business Standard.

What would change with EB-5 visa removal?

Currently, EB-5 investors fall into two main categories:
High-employment area projects: These are in major cities such as New York, New Jersey, Los Angeles, and Miami. They include multi-family residential buildings, mixed-use developments, and commercial real estate projects.
Rural projects: Located in areas with populations under 20,000, these allow investors to benefit from larger visa set-asides. They often include hospitality developments, multi-family projects, ski resorts, and industrial parks.

Both high-unemployment area projects and rural projects fall under targeted employment areas (TEA) designated by USCIS and require a minimum capital investment of $800,000. The usual costs include:

Investment amount: $800,000 for TEA projects, $1.05 million for non-TEA projects
Regional centre administrative fees: $70,000 – $80,000
Immigration attorney fees: $20,000 – $25,000
USCIS filing fees: $25,000

It also requires investors to create at least 10 new jobs. By contrast, Trump’s gold card visa would cost investors $5 million, almost five times more than an EB-5 visa.

At a US House Judiciary Committee hearing on January 22, 2025, immigration expert Jessica M Vaughan argued that some green card programmes were reasonable in concept but needed stricter rules and oversight to curb fraud and abuse.

“Others, such as the visa lottery, OPT, and EB-5, should be eliminated entirely because they serve no legitimate national interest in their current form and invite fraud,” she said.

Lutnick echoed this on Wednesday, saying EB-5 had become an avenue for fraud. He suggested the administration would be more selective in granting gold card visas, though further details were scarce.

Asked whether a Russian oligarch might qualify for a gold card, Trump replied, “Yeah. Possibly.”

He added, “Hey, I know some Russian oligarchs that are nice people. It’s possible. They’re not as wealthy as they used to be.” Laughing, he added, “I think they can afford five million dollars.”

Trump predicted that the programme would generate substantial revenue, saying that companies would be willing to pay the $5 million fee to secure talent.

“We’ll be able to sell maybe a million of these cards, maybe more than that,” he said. “If you add up the numbers, they’re pretty good.”

Investor visas are widely used worldwide. According to Henley & Partners, over 100 countries, including Dubai, New Zealand, and several European nations, offer similar “golden visas” to attract wealthy individuals.

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