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Pastor Andrew Brunson’s Prison Dream: Dark Anti-Israel Alliance Emerging



America’s spiritual decline may have stabilized, but the country’s failure to defend Judeo-Christian values is leading to the emergence of a dark, anti-Israel regional alliance.

But Pastor Andrew Brunson says God gave him a vision while he was imprisoned in Turkey, and he says it reveals what must be done to endure spiritual darkness and hardship in our own lives.

More than six years have passed since Brunson’s unexpected release from a Turkish prison, and now the world focuses on a different hostage crisis.

Given his unique perspective, CBN News recently asked Brunson to share his thoughts and describe the emotions he feels at the sight of innocent hostages held unjustly in Gaza and the agony experienced by their families.

“When I see the reunions, it really moved me because I remember just the desperation, the desperate longing I had, for freedom and to be with my family,” Brunson recalled. “And so, then I see these people coming together after not knowing if they’ll ever see each other again. And I know what they’re feeling now.”

Brunson spent 23 years as a missionary in Turkey, sharing the gospel and planting churches. In 2016, Turkish authorities arrested him on terrorism charges for allegedly assisting the Kurdish minority and sentenced him to life in prison.

Today, Brunson remains grateful to President Trump for what he described as unprecedented efforts to negotiate his release during Trump’s first term. Upon his return to the United States, Trump invited Brunson and his wife, Noreen, to the Oval Office.

“I remember when we prayed for him in the Oval Office I said, ‘Can I pray for you’ and he said, ‘Well, I probably need prayer, more prayer than anyone else in this room.’ And I think it is true.”

Like many Americans, Brunson believes God intervened to spare Trump’s life last year in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Although the Trump administration has made strides toward family- and faith-friendly policies, Brunson contends the country’s anti-Christian bias has a strong foothold and is deeply ingrained.

“It will bring a delay, but the culture as a whole has already become post-Christian…When we came back from Turkey, we came back to a different country. And I think in the last years especially, there was an acceleration toward a very aggressively anti-Christian position, especially by the ruling elite. You could say every institution in our country is led by people who are post-Christian and increasingly anti-Christian.”

Brunson believes the extreme pressures will rise again after Trump.

“I think they will because the culture hasn’t changed. Our culture is very quickly turning away from God.”

He predicts the United States and other Western nations will eventually become less inclined to defend religious freedom. As a result, regional powers will rise to fill the void.

“I think Turkey, Russia, and Iran will move together in some alliance…I had a dream about this in prison that was from God. I have very few dreams from God, but this was one and I saw them in a dark alliance. This was in 2016, before they started to move together, and then it started to happen. So, I think there are spiritual ties there. But I do think there is an alliance that will continue in a darker direction and that will, it will eventually in the end try to undermine Israel, yes.”

Brunson always felt strong as a missionary, then when isolated in prison, despair overtook him, and he felt abandoned by God. He explained that his wounded heart led him into a spiritual crisis.

“I began to question God’s existence. And the first time I did that, I began to cry, said, how could this happen? I started churches, I baptized Muslims, and here I’ve taught and preached for years, and now I’m even questioning whether God exists,” he recalls. “So I had many questions for God, and I became aware at some point that God had questions for me. ‘Andrew, are you going to love me when you don’t see my love? Are you going to be faithful to me when you don’t see my faithfulness?'”

Brunson predicts American Christians will also face difficult times ahead. At a recent Regent University chapel, he encouraged students to stay strong despite adversity, even when God’s presence is not felt.

“You have to survive those times of crisis. You have to remain faithful. Your devotion to God is being tested and you have to hold on to him even when you don’t understand, even when you don’t have answers. Will you love him when you don’t see his love? Will you be faithful when you don’t see his faithfulness?”

Brunson believes that people can endure when they learn to recite what God says about himself.

“I had to make a conscious decision to repeat again and again, ‘No God, you are faithful. You do love me even if I don’t feel it, even if I don’t see it. You are good, you are true,’ and to say these things even when my emotions are in turmoil and darkness. But I, with my will, I can choose to speak what is true.”
Sources:CBN News

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CA County Tells ‘Church on the Beach’ to Go Away – Nonreligious Groups Still Welcome



A Los Angeles County church that has been having services on a public beach for the last 18 years is now being told by city officials that they must worship Jesus elsewhere.

The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) is taking action against Los Angeles County after the Department of Beaches and Harbors officials changed its policy to no longer give out yearly permits for religious activities.

For nearly two decades, King’s Harbor Church has been faithfully serving its community by holding worship services or “Church on the Beach” at Redondo Beach with proper permits from Los Angeles County.

According to the ACLJ, 120 churchgoers gather every Sunday morning to worship for “Church on the Beach” adding that many attendees go to the church because “they have had difficult or negative experiences in traditional church buildings.”

“The beach location isn’t merely a preference – it’s a crucial component of their ministry’s outreach to those who might never step foot in a conventional church,” explains Nathan Moelker, Associate Counsel for the ACLJ.

Additionally, leaders and members complied with regulations to meet. They did not obstruct traffic nor did they solicit to the public in any way. And in cases, when they are a large gathering at the beach where the church’s presence might arguably cause any possible disruption, they relocate.

Last July, Church on the Beach became a 501(c)(3), and by September it had become officially a separate entity from King’s Harbor Church, but still met with their support.

After the church’s new status was finalized last October, a pastor contacted the county to have a permit reissued. But county officials said they would be changing their policy by the end of that month to prohibit the LA County Department of Beaches and Harbors from issuing yearly permits.

The church was “grandfathered” into the new policy, but under the new guidelines, the group was limited to only six religious activities per year.

However, none of these requirements applied to nonreligious groups gathering on the beach.

“Even more concerning, a county official told the pastor that churches ‘don’t need the beach’ because they can ‘meet in a building’ – a statement that demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of both religious freedom and the specific ministry of Church on the Beach,” Moelker shared.

Earlier this month, the ACLJ sent a demand letter to officials outlining the constitutional violations and demanding that L.A. County immediately cease its discriminatory treatment of Church on the Beach.

“The beach in question here is a public forum. It is a type of park, open to the public for general use and used regularly by the public for all manner of activities,” the letter reads.

“It is unlawful for a public entity to treat religious groups differently or less favorably than non-religious groups with regard to the access of public forums. Accordingly, we demand that LA County immediately cease from discriminating against Church on the Beach for its religious activity, and instead immediately agree to allow the church to continue meeting pursuant to generally applicable L.A. County policy,” it continues.

The ACLJ is giving Los Angeles County officials until March 20 to end the discriminatory policy and allow “Church on the Beach” to meet under the same rules as non-religious groups.

“When government officials try to relegate faith to the four walls of a building, they fundamentally misunderstand both our Constitution and the nature of religious liberty. For many in the Church on the Beach congregation, the outdoor setting itself is an integral part of their worship experience, especially for those who have had negative experiences in traditional churches,” expressed Moelker.

“The ACLJ is committed to ensuring that the First Amendment rights of all Americans are protected, including the right to practice one’s faith in public spaces. We will continue to fight for Church on the Beach and all believers who face discrimination from government officials,” he continued.
Sources:CBN News

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ദൗത്യം പൂർത്തിയാക്കിയ ക്രൂ 9 സംഘം ഇന്ന് ഭൂമിയിലേക്ക്



ന്യൂയോർക്ക്: അന്താരാഷ്ട്ര ബഹിരാകാശ നിലയത്തിലെ ദൗത്യം പൂർത്തിയാക്കിയ ക്രൂ 9 സംഘം ഇന്ന് ഭൂമിയിലേക്ക് പുറപ്പെടും. സുനിത വില്യംസ്, ബുച്ച് വിൽമോർ, നിക് ഹേഗ്, അലക്സാണ്ടർ ഗോർബനോവ് എന്നിവരാണ് ക്രൂ 9 സംഘത്തിലെ അംഗങ്ങൾ. രാവിലെ എട്ടേ കാലോടെ നാല് യാത്രികരും യാത്ര ചെയ്യുന്ന സ്‌പേസ് എക്സിന്റെ ഡ്രാഗൺ ഫ്രീഡം പേടകത്തിന്റെ വാതിലുകൾ അടയും.

പത്തേ മുപ്പത്തിയഞ്ചോടെ ഡ്രാഗൺ പേടകം അന്താരാഷ്ട്ര ബഹിരാകാശ നിലയത്തിൽ നിന്ന് വേർപ്പെടും. തുടർന്ന് പതിനേഴ് മണിക്കൂറോളം നീളുന്ന യാത്രയ്ക്ക് ശേഷം ബുധനാഴ്ച പുലർച്ചെ 3:27ഓടെയാകും പേടകം ഭൂമിയിൽ ഇറങ്ങുക. ഫ്ലോറിഡയുടെ തീരത്തോട് ചേർന്ന് കടലിലാണ് ഡ്രാഗൺ പേടകം ഇറങ്ങുന്നത്.

NASA will provide live coverage of the agency’s SpaceX Crew-9 return to Earth from the International Space Station, beginning with Dragon spacecraft hatch closure preparations at 10:45 p.m. EDT Monday, March 17.

NASA and SpaceX met on Sunday to assess weather and splashdown conditions off Florida’s coast for the return of the agency’s Crew-9 mission from the International Space Station. Mission managers are targeting an earlier Crew-9 return opportunity based on favorable conditions forecasted for the evening of Tuesday, March 18. The updated return target continues to allow the space station crew members time to complete handover duties while providing operational flexibility ahead of less favorable weather conditions expected for later in the week.

NASA astronauts Nick Hague, Suni Williams, and Butch Wilmore, as well as Roscosmos cosmonaut Aleksandr Gorbunov, are completing a long-duration science expedition aboard the orbiting laboratory and will return time-sensitive research to Earth.

Mission managers will continue monitoring weather conditions in the area, as Dragon’s undocking depends on various factors, including spacecraft readiness, recovery team readiness, weather, sea states, and other factors. NASA and SpaceX will confirm the specific splashdown location closer to the Crew-9 return.

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British Preacher Who Publicly Criticized Quran Found Not Guilty of Hate Crime



United Kingdom — On March 12, a British court found preacher Karandeep Mamman not guilty of a hate crime following his public criticism of the Quran.

According to the British organization Christian Concern, Mamman was acquitted of criminal charges after prosecutors, “refused to offer any evidence to the charges of section 4A of the Public Order Act …”

The trial concerned the aggressive response Mamman received while street preaching in January 2023. A small crowd of protestors surrounded Mamman as he critiqued the Quran, saying the Islamic holy text is inaccurate because it represents a wrong view of Jesus Christ.

“Jesus in the Quran is not the true Jesus,” he told the protestors. “According to the Quran Mohammad promoted hatred, terrorism, and killing of Jews and Christians who do not convert.”

As the crowd became more aggressive, Mamman attempted to leave, but a witness testified that “the mob would not let him go.” The crowd only let Mamman leave after local police arrived.

Another man violently grabbed a sign Mamman was holding that listed, “a series of Christian commands from the Bible … [including] a symbol suggesting the prohibition of homosexual practice.”

Following the incident, police called Mamman to the police station and charged him with “causing religiously aggravated harassment, alarm, and distress.”

After his acquittal, Mamman said, “My aim always when preaching is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and that all of us can only be saved if we follow His teaching.

“It was intimidating to be attacked and surrounded by such an angry mob, but I was determined to stand my ground and not back down over my beliefs.”

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