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Christian Woman Beaten and Abandoned by Family in India Over Conversion



India – In February 2019, Podiya Madakami, a woman from India’s Odisha state, converted to Christianity. After only one year if being a Christian, Podiya has been forced to become strong in her faith due to the persecution she has experienced at the hands of her family.

When Podiya’s husband discovered of her conversion to Christianity, he became very angry. At first, he tried to beat her into submission and force her to renounce her new faith. Podiya endured this harsh treatment and even attempted to share the Gospel with her husband. Podiya was even able to share her Christian faith with her daughter during this difficult time.

Eventually, Podiya’s husband, enraged by her enduring faith, decided to kick Podiya and their daughter out of the family home. That was ten months ago in April 2019.

Brutally beaten, estranged, thrown out, and abandoned by her husband, Podiya found shelter with a Christian family in a nearby village. To this day, she relies on this Christian family’s provision, grace, and love for her and her daughter’s livelihood.

“I do not have a regular income, but work whenever I get work as a day laborer,” Podiya recently told International Christian Concern (ICC). “I am leading my life only by the grace of God.”

Despite the brutal persecution Podiya has experienced at the hands of her husband, she told ICC that she continues to pray for him and the two sons she was force to leave behind when she was kicked out of her home.

“I request all to pray for my husband and sons that they may also be saved,” Podiya told ICC.

Across India, instance of persecution and religious intolerance continue to be reported. According to the Alliance Defending Freedom India, India’s Christian community documented some 328 violent incidents of persecution in 2019 alone. However, instances of persecution metered out by family members, like that experienced by Podiya, are likely not counted among those documented incidents. Let us remember in pray all those in India facing persecution because of their choice to follow Jesus.

Sources : Persecution

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‘Something Demonic in That’: The Real-Life Evil Driving Slaughter, Horror of Global Persecution



By all accounts, Christian persecution is worsening across the globe. Joel Veldkamp, head of international communications at Christian Solidarity International, is among those who know the full extent of the issue, often observing its evils firsthand.

And these diabolical infractions — from killings to land seizure to discrimination — have a rooting, Veldkamp believes, in the overarching spiritual battle between good and evil.

“I think the way the Bible speaks about how the powers and the principalities operate is very important, because, what drives the powers and the principalities of the air — you might say, the evil spiritual powers of the world — is a desire to unseat God and to be the most powerful, the most important thing in the universe,” he said. “And we see a lot of the temporal powers, so states, governments, terrorist groups, are driven by a similar desire — a desire for supremacy, a desire to remake the world the way they want to see it be remade.”

These individuals and groups will essentially “give themselves over to evil” to achieve their stated goals and aspirations. The result of these tragic quests can often be seen in the deadly persecution observed in various nations across the globe.

Among other examples, Veldkamp cited Nagorno-Karabakh, a small, landlocked region between Armenia and Azerbaijan that had long been steeped in Christian history and was populated by mostly Armenian Christians.

“This is a place where there’s 1,700 years of uninterrupted Christian history,” he said. “This is a place where some of the first translations of the Bible were made into languages outside of Greek. This is a place where just generations and generations of people have carried on the faith, and last year it was destroyed.”

Veldkamp decried “an ethnic cleansing campaign by the dictatorship of Azerbaijan,” which included a siege and military attack that eventually drove out the entire population.

“Again, I think there’s something demonic in that we had a nine-month lead time on this,” Veldkamp said. “Everyone could see it happening. We could see it coming down the pike. We knew how this was going to end. And no one in the world seemed to be able to muster the political will to do anything about it.”

The end result is the exile of these Armenian Christians and a loss of Christian history, with many lives upended in the process. Veldkamp said coping with so much suffering can be difficult.

“Sometimes [I] get messages from people who have family members who are being held hostage in Azerbaijan right now,” he said. “And I feel really helpless, and at a loss of what to say — to comfort them. It can be difficult.”

Yet Veldkamp finds solace in the Bible, where he sees people hundreds — and even thousands — of years ago facing the same pressures believers face today.

Veldkamp described Scripture as often telling the “story of the people of God under pressure.” And those pressures are still unfolding today in countries like North Korea, China, and Nigeria, among many others. And, tragically he said the problem is worsening.

“It’s getting worse for a few specific reasons,” he said. “But mostly having to do with the increased competition and even wars that we’re seeing between the superpowers now — between the U.S., Russia, and China, that are always competing for influence in different parts of the world.”

Veldkamp said the “illusion of an international order” that once persisted in the 1990s and beyond is “starting to come apart.”

“Dictators and terrorists feel fewer compunctions about carrying out their programs,” he said. “So, in places like South Asia and Southeast Asia, we’re seeing a lot of governments take steps to really restrict free practice of religion in ways they wouldn’t have before. In Africa, we see that jihad is spreading from country to country, really piggybacking off of the conflict between Russia, and the U.S., and China for influence in Africa.”

Unfortunately, the safeguards that once “restrained human evil” are no longer holding back the chaos, leading to a situation that gives little more than a “grim outlook,” according to Veldkamp.

Whether it’s addressing Azerbaijan’s horrors or deadly persecution in Nigeria, Veldkamp encouraged Christians and Americans more broadly to stand up and speak out.

“Often, U.S. policy towards these countries will just get set, and it’s very difficult to change the policy once it’s set,” he said. “But we’re in a moment now where we can have some influence because we have a new president … there will be new policies, new policies are being formulated, and now is the time to raise our voice.”

Veldkamp continued, “I would really encourage Christians, especially Christians who voted for President Trump to make their voices heard … tell [his team], ‘I care about Nigeria. I care about Armenia. I care about Christians in Syria. I care about this issue.’”

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സീനിയർ പാസ്റ്റേഴ്സിനെ ആദരിച്ചു



ചിക്കാഗോ: കഴിഞ്ഞ അര നൂറ്റാണ്ടോളം ചിക്കാഗോയിൽ സഭാ പ്രവർത്തനരംഗത്ത് പ്രശംസനീയമായ നേതൃത്വം കൊടുത്ത നാല് സീനിയർ പാസ്റ്റർമാരെ ചിക്കാഗോ ഗോസ്പൽ മീഡിയ അസോസിയേഷന്റെ ആഭിമുഖ്യത്തിൽ നടത്തപ്പെട്ട സമ്മേളനത്തിൽ ആദരിച്ചു.

സീനിയർ പാസ്റ്റർമാരായ റവ പി വി കുരുവിള, റവ ജോസഫ് കെ ജോസഫ്, റവ പി സി മാമ്മൻ റവ ജോർജ് കെ സ്റ്റീഫൻസൻ എന്നിവരെയാണ് വിശ്വാസ സമൂഹം ആദരിച്ചത്. സിജിഎംഎ ജനറൽ സെക്രട്ടറി കുര്യൻ ഫിലിപ്പ് യോഗനടപടികൾക്ക് നേതൃത്വം നൽകി. രക്ഷാധികാരി കെ എം ഈപ്പൻ,പ്രസിഡന്റ് ഡോ അലക്സ് ടി കോശി, വൈസ് പ്രസിഡന്റ് ഡോ ടൈറ്റസ് ഈപ്പൻ, ജോയിൻ സെക്രട്ടറി ഡോ ബിജു ചെറിയാൻ, ട്രഷറർ ജോൺസൺ ഉമ്മൻ എന്നിവർ സംഘടനയുടെ പുരസ്കാരം പാസ്റ്റർമാർക്ക് നൽകി.

എഫ്പിസിസിയുടെ ഉപഹാരം കൺവീനർ ഡോ വില്ലി എബ്രഹാം സമ്മാനിച്ചു. ജെയിംസ് ജോസഫ്, ബ്യൂല ബെൻ എന്നിവർ എംസി മാരായിരുന്നു റെവ ജോർജ് മാത്യു പുതുപ്പള്ളി മുഖ്യാതിഥിയായിരുന്നു.

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അമേരിക്കയെ വീണ്ടും മഹത്തരമാക്കാൻ ദൈവം എന്നെ സംരക്ഷിച്ചു: ഡൊണാൾഡ് ട്രംപ്



“അമേരിക്കയെ വീണ്ടും മഹത്തരമാക്കാൻ ദൈവം എന്നെ സംരക്ഷിച്ചു” എന്നു പറഞ്ഞുകൊണ്ട് തനിക്കു നേരിട്ട രണ്ടു കൊലപാതകശ്രമങ്ങളെ അതിജീവിച്ചതിന് ഡൊണാൾഡ് ട്രംപ് ദൈവത്തിനു നന്ദി പറഞ്ഞു. ജനുവരി 20 ന് അമേരിക്കയുടെ നാല്പത്തിയേഴാമത്‌ പ്രസിഡന്റായി അധികാരമേറ്റ ട്രംപ് തന്റെ ഉദ്ഘാടന പ്രസംഗത്തിലാണ് ഇപ്രകാരം അനുസ്മരിച്ചത്.

പ്രസിഡന്റ് ജോ ബൈഡന്റെ കഴിഞ്ഞ നാല് വർഷത്തെ അമേരിക്കൻ ‘വിമോചന ദിനം’ എന്ന് തന്റെ പ്രസംഗത്തിൽ വിശേഷിപ്പിച്ച ട്രംപ് ഇപ്പോൾ മുതൽ അമേരിക്കയുടെ സുവർണ്ണകാലം ആരംഭിക്കുന്നുവെന്നും ഇതിനുവേണ്ടിയാണ് എന്റെ ജീവൻ സംരക്ഷിക്കപ്പെട്ടതെന്നും പങ്കുവച്ചു. “ഇന്ന് മുതൽ, നമ്മുടെ രാജ്യം അഭിവൃദ്ധി പ്രാപിക്കുകയും ബഹുമാനിക്കപ്പെടുകയും ചെയ്യും. നമ്മെ മുതലെടുക്കാൻ ആരെയും അനുവദിക്കില്ല. എന്റെ ഭരണനാളുകളിൽ അമേരിക്കയെ ഞാൻ ഒന്നാമതെത്തിക്കും” അദ്ദേഹം ഉറപ്പുനൽകി.

നമ്മുടെ രാജ്യത്തെയും ഭരണഘടനയെയും ദൈവത്തെയും മറക്കുകയില്ല എന്നും അദ്ദേഹം തന്റെ ഉദ്‌ഘാടനപ്രസംഗത്തിൽ ഉറപ്പുനൽകി.

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