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China censors film production with Christian content including miracles, healing



China has issued strict new guidelines banning film and television programs including instances of miracles and healing — a move some fear will outlaw Christian content completely.

According to UCA News, the National Administration of Radio and Television, which controls the content on radio, film, and TV aired in China, recently passed new regulations banning 20 categories of content, including material promoting fabricated history, sacred relics, demonic possessions, and instances of faith and healing.

A filmmaker working with the church’s film and television industry said the new guidelines “almost entirely ban” faith-based content.

The filmmaker, who identified himself as Joseph, told UCA News: “If we film the life of Jesus, avoiding the content banned by the guidelines, we will only be presenting Jesus as an ordinary person, and this is unacceptable to Christians.”

The guidelines also require filmmakers “not to film the dark side of society but to film the good life of normal people” and stipulate that historical dramas should be based on “true history” rather than fabrication.

Father Yo from Shandong called the guidelines “strange.” “How can people have a good life when they don’t even have the natural right to freedom of religion? If we do not even have the most basic human rights, how can we be good?”

“What is true history? Is it the one fabricated by the Chinese Communist Party? Would it not lead to creating more fake television dramas in line with the party to brainwash the public?”

In 2018, Chinese President Xi Jinping put the Communist Party’s propaganda office in charge of regulating films. Earlier, Xi announced that “all the work by the party’s media must reflect the party’s will, safeguard the party’s authority, and safeguard the party’s unity.”

Zhang Lifan, a historian, told The New York Times that Xi’s attempts to impose total control over the media is a way for him to “announce his absolute authority.”

“He doesn’t feel effective and confident in dealing with problems, and he lacks a sense of security,” Zhang said. “He worries the Chinese Communist Party will lose political power, and he also worries that his peers will shove him from his position.”

Last year, a former employee of one of China’s largest tech firms monitors citizens’ mobile phones, blocking any words deemed “sensitive to the state” — such as “Almighty God.”

In 2018, China banned online retailers from selling the Bible in efforts to control the country’s growing religious scene.

China claims that it allows religious freedom; however, it has been carrying out a crackdown on underground churches and Christian activists for years.

A recent report from persecution watchdog International Christian Concern documents how the CCP targets Christians through its “sinicization” campaign, meaning, to make beliefs, including Christianity, fall in line with their interpretation of Communism.

Specifically, the report notes that the campaign “seeks to diminish the effectiveness of Christian theology” by removing Christian symbols at churches and replacing them with CCP symbols, rewriting portions of the Bible, observing major Christian holidays with a Communist twist, and indoctrinating state-sanctioned clergy and leaders with CCP dogma.

“The Religious Affairs Bureau and the CCP have a single goal: to prevent religious influence from threatening their communist control,” the report says.

“The issue of international religious freedom is one that should be at the core of U.S. interests,” it adds. “Both sides of the political debate agree that China’s flagrant disregard for religious freedom must be stopped. It is only by coming together that effective policy will be passed and the U.S. will send a clear message to China that its persecution of religion is unacceptable.”

Open Doors USA ranks China 23rd on its World Watch List of 50 countries where it is most difficult to be a Christian.

“A policy of ‘sinicizing’ the church is becoming increasingly influential because the Communist Party is relying strongly on Chinese cultural identity to stay in power,” Open Doors explains. “The new restrictions on internet, social media and NGOs—and the new regulations on religion—are all seriously limiting freedom.”
Sources:Christian Post


Lola Sheen, Daughter of Denise Richards and Charlie Sheen, Embraces Jesus: ‘My Life Really Was Forever Changed



Lola Sheen, daughter of actors Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards, recently stunned the entertainment and media world when she published photos of her powerful baptism and a detailed testimony.

Lola, 19, shared a candid Instagram post last week in which she noted that she hit “rock bottom” before finding Jesus and embracing Christianity.

During an interview with CBN News, she expounded on this journey, expressing gratitude and excitement at the positive response she’s receiving to her conversion.

“It’s been so encouraging and so overwhelming, but in the best way possible,” she said. “It just shows that God really can do anything so unexpectedly.”

Sheen continued, “It’s really just been so encouraging and so supportive because I felt so alone in the beginning of my walk, and now I get to share what Jesus has done in my life.”

“I grew up with parents who were in the industry, and I always felt super alone,” she said. “I just always felt like I could never find security and never find just something that felt like a home.”

Sheen said she began struggling with mental health when she was 16 and found herself dealing with depression. Despite coming out of that, she again faced mental health struggles when she turned 18, with therapy and other interventions failing to provide solace.

“I also really struggled with feeling so insecure and very unworthy,” Sheen said.

Her situation changed, though, when she found Jesus.

“I always knew of Jesus [but] I never knew Him,” Sheen said. “And that is what changed so much for me when I met Jesus. It was like, ‘Now, I actually know You, and I feel like there’s a difference of going to church because you have to and then going to church because you know Jesus.”

She continued, “Jesus really did find me, and that’s what changed me. He chose me first, and it was the first time someone chose me when I wasn’t the best version of myself.”

Sheen described her encounter with Jesus unfolding one night when she was in bed, struggling to sleep and plagued by negative thoughts. With anxiety battering her heart and mind, she found herself embroiled in sadness and feeling as though she didn’t want to “be here anymore.”

“I just really did not see the point of me,” she said, noting she was just immeasurably hopeless — until something incredible happened.

“I really don’t know how else to put it except the fact that Jesus came in my room,” she said. “I had never experienced anything like it. His presence came to me. … And I felt this overwhelming sense of peace in my room.”

Just the day before, she had watched a TikTok video from a Christian influencer talking about Jesus, which clearly impacted her. She believes it “opened the door” to letting God in.

“I think once I started to think about Him, the next night, that’s when He came to me,” Sheen said. “It really felt like He took my hand and just said, ‘I am here to rescue you and try this again now with Me.’”

And that was the beginning of a journey. Sheen began looking up how to give her life to the Lord and has since formed a strong relationship with Jesus.

“My life really was forever changed,” she said.

Sheen has been the subject of international headlines since sharing her testimony and baptism photos on Instagram last week, and she’s eternally grateful for how people are positively reacting.

She has also launched a podcast and is planning to attend college — all while continuing to grow her faith. We’ll leave you with the first episode of her show, “Heavenly Bonded”:

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സംവിധായകൻ ഷാഫി അന്തരിച്ചു



കൊച്ചി: മലയാളിയെ കുടുകുടെ ചിരിപ്പിച്ച ഹിറ്റ് ചിത്രങ്ങളൊരുക്കിയ സംവിധായകൻ ഷാഫി (56) അന്തരിച്ചു. തലച്ചോറിൽ രക്തസ്രാവം ഉണ്ടായതിനെത്തുടർന്ന് ഒരാഴ്ച മുൻപ് ആസ്റ്റർ മെഡ്‌സിറ്റിയിൽ പ്രവേശിപ്പിച്ച ഷാഫി ഏഴു ദിവസമായി അതീവ ഗുരുതരാവസ്ഥയിലായിരുന്നു. ഇന്നലെ രാത്രി 11.30ന് ആയിരുന്നു വിയോഗം.

മൃതദേഹം ഇന്നു രാവിലെ ഇടപ്പള്ളി ബിടിഎസ് റോഡിലുള്ള സ്വവസതിയിലും തുടർന്ന് 9 മുതൽ 12 വരെ മണപ്പാട്ടിപ്പറമ്പ് കൊച്ചിൻ സഹകരണ ബാങ്ക് ഹാളിലും പൊതുദർശനത്തിനു വയ്ക്കും. സംസ്കാരം ഇന്ന് നാലിന് കലൂർ മുസ്‌ലിം ജമാഅത്ത് പള്ളിയിൽ. ഭാര്യ ഷാമില. മക്കൾ: അലീമ ഷെറിൻ, സൽമ ഷെറിൻ. പ്രശസ്ത സംവിധായകൻ സിദ്ദീഖ് ഷാഫിയുടെ അമ്മാവനാണ്; സംവിധായകനും നടനുമായ റാഫി (റാഫി മെക്കാർട്ടിൻ) സഹോദരനും.

1968 ഫെബ്രുവരിയിൽ എറണാംകുളം പുല്ലേപ്പടിയിലെ കറുപ്പുനൂപ്പിൽ തറവാട്ടിലാണ് റഷീദ് എം.എച്ച്. എന്ന ഷാഫിയുടെ ജനനം. പിതാവ് എം.പി.ഹംസ, മാതാവ് നബീസുമ്മ. കലാകാരന്മാരായ അമ്മാവന്മാരും മറ്റു ബന്ധുക്കളുമൊക്കെ സിനിമയും മറ്റും ചർച്ച ചെയ്യുന്നതു കേട്ടു വളർന്ന ഷാഫിയിലും കുട്ടിക്കാലത്തുതന്നെ സിനിമാ മോഹമുണ്ടായി. സ്കൂൾ കാലത്ത് മിമിക്രിയും മോണോ ആക്ടും അവതരിപ്പിച്ചിരുന്നു. അമ്മാവൻ സിദ്ദീഖ് സിനിമയിലെത്തിയതോടെ അതു ശക്തവുമായി.

സഹോദരൻ റാഫിയുടെയും അമ്മാവൻ സിദ്ദിഖിന്റെയും പാത പിന്തുടർന്ന് സിനിമയിലെത്തിയ ഷാഫിയും ചിരിയുടെ ട്രാക്കിലാണ് വിജയം കണ്ടത്. രാജസേനൻ സംവിധാനം ചെയ്ത ദില്ലിവാലാ രാജകുമാരൻ എന്ന സിനിമയിൽ അസിസ്റ്റന്റ് ഡയറക്ടറായി സിനിമാ ജീവിതം തുടങ്ങിയ ഷാഫി, 2001 ൽ ജയറാം നായകനായ വൺ‌മാൻ ഷോ എന്ന സിനിമയിലൂടെ സ്വതന്ത്ര സംവിധായകനായി. പിന്നാലെയെത്തിയ കല്യാണരാമൻ മലയാളത്തിലെ എക്കാലത്തെയും വലിയ ഹിറ്റുകളിലൊന്നായി.

മായാവി, തൊമ്മനും മക്കളും, പുലിവാൽ കല്യാണം, മേരിക്കുണ്ടൊരു കുഞ്ഞാട്, ചോക്ലേറ്റ്, മേക്കപ്പ് മാൻ, ചട്ടമ്പിനാട്, ടു കൺട്രീസ് തുടങ്ങി ബോക്സ് ഓഫിസിൽ പണക്കിലുക്കവും പ്രേക്ഷകരിൽ ചിരിക്കിലുക്കവും സൃഷ്ടിച്ച ചിത്രങ്ങളുടെ പരമ്പരയാണ് ഷാഫി സമ്മാനിച്ചത്. വിക്രം നായകനായ തമിഴ് ചിത്രം മജാ ഉൾപ്പെടെ 18 സിനിമകൾ സംവിധാനം ചെയ്തു. 2022-ല്‍ പുറത്തിറങ്ങിയ ആനന്ദം പരമാനന്ദം ആണ് അവസാന ചിത്രം. തിരക്കഥാകൃത്ത്, നിർമാതാവ് എന്നി നിലകളിലും ശ്രദ്ധേയനായിരുന്നു.

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3 Doors Down lead singer reveals message from Jesus that prompted him to share the Gospel from stage



Brad Arnold, lead singer of the rock group 3 Doors Down, has opened up about how faith helped him overcome addiction — and how he felt called to share the Gospel with his fans after Jesus sent him a direct message: “I want you to tell them that I love them.”

In a recent interview with Pastor Allen Jackson on the “Culture and Christianity” podcast, the 46-year-old singer revealed that despite growing up in a Christian home, he fell into alcohol addiction after 3 Doors Down shot to popularity in the early 2000s with hits like “Kryptonite” and “Here Without You.”

During this time, country artist Charlie Daniels urged him to return to Nashville, Tennessee, and go to rehab — and it was there that he rediscovered Christianity. The past nine years of sobriety have been “the best years of my life,” Arnold told Jackson, whose church he attends.

He credited the pastor with encouraging him to “lead with my faith and to not be a comfortable Christian that sits in a pew … and lives how they want.”

Last year, Arnold made headlines after pausing a concert in Pennsylvania to share the Gospel with thousands of fans and remind them of their value as children of God.

Before performing “Away from the Sun,” he addressed the audience, saying: “I feel like I can identify with this song more than most of our songs. … This world surrounds by a message we’ll never be good enough, we’ll never be strong enough, we’ll never be beautiful enough, we’ll never be rich enough.”

My friends, I just want to take a second to tell you, that’s an absolute lie. You are loved. You are enough, and you will win. Not only can you win, but you will win. You’ll always be enough for one reason: and that’s because Jesus Christ loves you.”

“Jesus Christ loves you so much that He made you just the way you are, just the way you’re standing there right now,” he said. “He also loves you to let you know that you’re not complete. I promise you there’s more, and you will win.”

“I failed all day today. You failed today. But you’re still the one that Jesus loves,” Arnold told concertgoers. “Repeat after me: I am the one that Jesus loves. Amen, my friends. Thank you so much.”

Speaking to Jackson, Arnold revealed that he decided to openly share his faith a few years ago after he heard Jesus say, “I want you to tell them that I love them this summer.” The singer said he chose to obey, even though he didn’t know “how to go about that at a rock concert” where half the people were “standing there with a beer in their hand.”

After seeing a post referencing John’s description as the disciple Jesus loves, Arnold said, “I was like, that’s a good something that I can build on.”

The artist revealed that 3 Doors Down always prays before taking the stage, adding: “We fight against principalities in this world … I thought if our words are the most powerful things that we have, how can I get people to speak a blessing over their life?”

Arnold revealed that he and his wife, Jennifer, got re-baptized together in the fall of 2023: “She and I stand side by side, and Jesus is in front of us,” he told Jackson. “She is an anchor for me in so many ways.”

Last year, Arnold said he was able to share the Gospel message with about 680,000 people from the stage. “That is the highlight of my career if I never get to do anything else,” he said. “I’m so thankful that God allowed me to do that.”

He acknowledged that he has a “short window” to share Jesus’ love given the fact that “people aren’t at a rock show to be preached at,” but stressed, “I want to share that [message] with them, and I know that [God] put me in this position to do exactly that.”

“I don’t care if it cost me my career. I don’t care if it cost me my life. I can honestly, 100 percent say that. … It’s the greatest thing I’ve ever got to do.”

Formed in 1996, 3 Doors Down is known for hits like “Kryptonite,” “Be Like That” and “Not My Time.” The group has sold 16 million albums globally, received three Grammy nominations, and won two American Music Awards and five BMI Pop Awards for songwriting.

Though the band is not overtly Christian, Arnold often shares his faith on social media, along with prayers and Bible verses.

In January, the singer credited his faith for his sobriety, sharing a photo of his AA sobriety medallion, which has the words “To thine own self be true” and “unity, service and recovery” engraved around the Roman numeral for the number eight.

“January 19 is a special day for me every year,” he wrote on Instagram.

“It marks the start of a new year of a new life, a life without a bottle in my hand. I feel like a different person than I did eight years ago … and it feels so good. Without question, God took that burden from me. I was so tired of carrying it. I couldn’t carry it any more so I gave it to God and I’m not taking it back! If you’re struggling with something, give it to Him. He’ll gladly take your burden and you’ll never have to carry it again.”
Sources:Christian Post

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