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1,300-year-old church with colorful mosaics discovered in the Galilee



Move a rock in Israel, find an archaeological site. Now, ahead of building a playground for kiddies in the Circassian village of Kafr Kama, archaeologists conducting a “salvage excavation” have found the ruins of a 1,300-year-old church dating to the Byzantine period.

Actually, the excavators suspect the villagers carried out their devotions at a smaller local church with two chapels in the village dating to about the same time, which had been discovered half a century ago. The newly discovered, rather bigger edifice may have been a monastery, the archaeologists think, based on adjacent rooms that remain underground after being discovered by Shani Libbi using ground-penetrating radar.

Kafr Kama’s proximity to the iconic site of Mount Tabor – where some believe Jesus underwent the Transfiguration and began to radiate light – piqued the interest of Archbishop Youssef Matta, the head of the Greek Catholic Church in Israel. He was invited by the Israel Antiquities Authority, and came to see the site in person.

“And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into a high mountain apart; And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light” – Matthew 17:1.

The main body of the newly discovered church is 12 by 36 meters (39 by 118 feet), which is medium-sized for the region, says Prof. Moti Aviam of the Kinneret Academic College, who is researching the Byzantine period in the Galilee and is collaborating with the Israel Antiquities Authority on this dig.

The discovery of the church was not expected, said Nurit Feig, the archaeologist leading the excavation on behalf of the Israel Antiquities Authority. “This was a small salvage excavation that we expanded,” she told Haaretz. Usually, a salvage excavation of this sort is defined in scope, but then she began to see the border of the nave wall and an apse – and realized they were on top of an ancient church.

Now they know the area includes a courtyard, a narthex foyer, a central hall and three apses. Churches in the Galilee normally have one or three apses, Feig and Aviam explained.

Wondrously, the archaeologists also found a reliquary: a stone box used to hold “sacred relics.” Sad to relate, it was empty. “The other ancient church found in Kafr Kama also had a reliquary, a closed one, that had bones inside,” Aviam said.

“In light of our many studies in Israel in general and the Galilee in particular, we know there were a lot of village rural monasteries. The monks weren’t hermits like in the desert monasteries. They lived alongside the villages, sometimes inside the villages, with villagers working at the monastery,” Aviam said. He added that they have no proof this new discovery is actually a monastery – no inscriptions have been found, for instance. But that’s his gut feeling.

Nor is there evidence for how the monks made their living, if monks there were. It has been found that at other Galilean monasteries, the monks engaged mostly in agriculture, producing olive oil and wine, Aviam said.

Church or monastery, it had mosaics on the floor of the nave and apses, which is very much the norm for the Galilean churches. But they were badly damaged, Aviam said. All we can see are geometrical motifs and some flowers in blue, black and red, but there may have been other images that are now gone.

Faith in the Galilee

In fact, the two sixth-century churches of Kafr Kama fit the bigger picture that Aviam is discovering in his research of the Byzantine Galilee, conducted with Jacob Ashkenazi of the Kinneret Institute of Galilean Archaeology in the Kinneret Academic College.

In Western Galilee alone, there are about 100 churches from the Byzantine time, very roughly speaking, Aviam told Haaretz.

The western side of the Upper Galilee was actually Christianized in the Byzantine period while the eastern side was Jewish, he explained. Down in the lower Galilee, the towns were almost entirely Jewish, but Christianity gradually penetrated – resulting in villages like Kafr Kama, with its two churches. Or one church and one monastery.

The attraction for early Christians in the Galilee included the city of Nazareth: Jesus was reportedly born in Bethlehem, but grew up in the Galilee. Nazareth was actually mixed during the Byzantine period, Aviam said – Jewish with some churches.

Like so many places in the region, occupation in the town now known as Kafr Kama goes back to the Bronze Age, and possibly earlier. But we may never know (much) more about the Christian era in this village.

This very week, the mosaics are going to be re-blanketed in earth for the sake of their conservation, Feig told Haaretz. That will protect them for the future masses that will probably never see them. The site is earmarked for a playground, and unless the local council and Jewish National Fund change their minds, a playground it will be.

“We can’t say at this stage how much may be covered and if anything will be preserved,” Feig said. The IAA may warmly recommend that the site be conserved, preserved and opened for visitors; but the initiators of the real estate project in the village have the ultimate decision, she explained. And if they decide to preserve the ancient church or monastery, whichever it is, then the IAA experts can happily get to work.

The first church from early Christianity found in the Circassian village is also gone, partly covered, partly built over, the archaeologists say. Discovering the new one was an emotional moment for the excavators and villagers alike, who flocked to see it during the “open days” the archaeologists held – joined by the archbishop.

Asked why there was so much excitement if there are around 100 ancient churches in the Galilee, Feig said that this one is in a quite good state of preservation after all those 1,400 years: they know where all its parts are. But they may remain the only ones with that knowledge.


CTRL+ALT+DEL: A call to reboot our life for true Christian transformation



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7 ways we rebuild through Christ



When a person comes to Christ, it’s not just about being forgiven and waiting for heaven. Salvation is an ongoing process of regeneration where a person becomes a new creation, reshaped by the power of the cross. This process involves rebuilding every area of life according to God’s design. Today, we’ll explore seven key areas that are rebuilt in Christ.

1. Our personal life is no longer based on self

We are born in sin and naturally live according to the lusts of the flesh (Ephesians 2:1-3).

But in Christ, we begin to live a cross-shaped life, learning to deny ourselves and follow Jesus (Mark 8:34-36).

“And calling the crowd to him with his disciples, he said to them, ‘If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me’” (Mark 8:34-36).

The crucified life is a life where self is no longer at the center — God is. We are called to serve others, rather than live for self-gratification(Galatians 2:19-20).

We actually find our life when we lose it! We discover the best version of ourselves when we die to ourselves and allow Christ to live in us and through us.

2. Our families are shaped according to God’s Word

After coming to Christ, family life should be rebuilt and shaped by Scripture. One way is to disciple our children and teach them about God.

Psalm 78:5-7:

“He established a testimony in Jacob and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers to teach to their children, that the next generation might know them, the children yet unborn, and arise and tell them to their children, so that they should set their hope in God.”

Furthermore, parents are instructed to raise their children according to the Word of God, ensuring that our homes reflect biblical values and generational faithfulness (2 Timothy 3:15-16).

3. We do business God’s way

The Bible teaches that work is not merely a means to provide for ourselves; it is an act of worship.

Genesis 2:15 illustrates that Adam was called to work even before he had a wife and children. It was an act of worship since, as His image bearer, he imitated the God who worked 6 days before He entered His rest.

“The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.”

Like Adam, we work because we are made in the image of a God who worked to create the world. In business, we walk in integrity, treat employees as partners, equip them to flourish in work, and prioritize honoring God. This means creating environments that reflect God’s kingdom values, including allowing people to worship on Sundays.

4. We use our wealth to spread the Kingdom

Deuteronomy 8:18 reminds us that God gives us the ability to produce wealth, not just for personal gain, but to advance His Kingdom. As believers, we are called to steward our finances in a way that reflects God’s mission, investing in the expansion of the gospel, meeting needs, and helping to establish justice and mercy on earth.

Money is not evil, but the love of money is evil. Money can also be used to advance the kingdom.

I.E., God was able to use “The Good Samaritan” because he had wealth (Luke 10).

God used Joseph of Arimathea who buried the body of Jesus because he had financial resources.

God used Lydia, who had her own business and started a church because she owned a home and was a business owner (Acts 16).

5. We are called to reflect Christ by serving our communities

Titus 2 and 3 show us that we are not just called to serve within the walls of the church, but to be profitable to all people.

2:7 says “Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works …”

2:14 says Jesus purified people “who are zealous for good works.”

3:14 says “let our people learn to devote themselves to good works …”

This means our communities should see the light of Christ through our good works.

History is replete with how Christ’s followers have rebuilt cities and nations and served humanity in a way that forever impacted nations.

Isaiah 61:4 says:

“They shall build up the ancient ruins; they shall raise up the former devastations; they shall repair the ruined cities, the devastations of many generations.”

6. The Church is called to reparent and rebuild individuals

Jesus’ invitation to “follow me, and I will make you …” demonstrates the Church’s role in rebuilding lives (Matthew 4:19). Through biblical discipleship, we help people discover their God-given purpose and destiny.

Discipleship is more than instruction; it’s walking with people to see them transformed and equipped to fulfill their calling in Christ.

Jesus didn’t say, “follow me and I will give you a weekly bible study. He gave people the opportunity to do life with Him, which created the environment to make disciples and bring about personal transformation.

7. The Church participates in the renewal of all things in Christ

God called Adam to bring His influence on the whole earth.

Genesis 1:28. God’s ultimate plan with and through the church participating with Jesus is to renew all things through Christ (Ephesians 1:9-11). We are not just waiting for the second coming; we are active participants in the restoration of creation through the gospel. As we live in alignment with God’s kingdom, we anticipate the fulfillment of this promise in the climax of history with a new heaven and new earth (Revelation 21:1-8).

Five practical takeaways

1. Embrace daily denial of self: Evaluate your life and ask where you need to surrender personal desires in favor of following Christ. This is the first step toward living a cross-shaped life.

2. Create a family discipleship plan: Begin setting time aside weekly to disciple your children or encourage your family members in the Word of God. Make your home a center for spiritual growth.

3. Work with integrity and purpose: Consider how your work can reflect God’s glory. Are you treating your employees or coworkers with dignity and empowering them, or are you merely using them to get your work done?

4. Be a faithful steward of wealth: Make a decision to invest in Kingdom causes. Pray about where your resources can make a Gospel-centered impact — supporting missionaries, funding outreach, or caring for the poor.

5. Serve your community: Identify a way to serve your community this week. Whether it’s through volunteering, meeting a need, or simply being present in a meaningful way, show Christ’s love in action.

As we participate in this process of rebuilding, God transforms us, our families, our work, and, ultimately, the world around us. Let us surrender fully to Christ and trust Him to rebuild every aspect of our lives for His glory.
Sources:Christian Post

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God’s peace and the world’s peace are not the same



Peace is not just a feeling, it is also a condition, a mindset, a state of being. It is a relationship with God Almighty who created you and loves you. Peace is where we want to live. But we live in an unpeaceful world full of strife, envy, jealousy, rage, competition, anxiety, fear, worry, and yes lust. We crave what we don’t have, and we don’t want what we do have. We long for peace.

The peace of God is the opposite of all that the world has to offer.

The world’s definition of peace is a state of tranquility, freedom from disturbance, and harmony in personal relations.

Who doesn’t want that?

Now listen to the story of Jesus and the peace He offers you and me.

“And the angel said to them, ‘Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.’ And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!’” (Luke 2:10).

Jesus comes to give peace!

Now you may think you know what peace is. But listen to what Jesus says about it,

“’Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going.’ Thomas said to him, ‘Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?’ Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me’” (John 14:1).

Look at what Jesus also says in John 14:27: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”

Jesus is the way to peace. And you may say, “Oh, I know what peace is!” But you don’t. You don’t know what peace is until you know Jesus. His peace is not like the world’s peace.

If you know Jesus, you will experience peace. If you don’t know Jesus, you won’t. Not in any real sense, that is.

The peace of God is a state of wholeness, calmness, and completeness.

As you compare the two definitions, the world’s definition of peace is an external definition based off circumstances and human relationships.

If you are trying to get to a permanent condition of peace based off external circumstances and human relationships, you are going to be more unpeaceful than you are now. The peace the world offers you is circumstantial. The peace God offers you is complete, consistent, whole, and perfect regardless of what is going on in your life. It doesn’t come from without, it comes from within.

Let me explain. When Jesus returned to Heaven he promised to send the Holy Spirit.

“These things I have spoken to you while I am still with you. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you”(John 14:26).

The Greek Word here is Paracletos, “the one who comes along side” or the Comforter. The Peace giver! Jesus left earth and sent the Holy Spirit to live inside of us. Now look at the fruit of the Spirit that lives inside you:

“But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law” (Galatians 5:18).

How do we unwrap God’s gift of peace in our lives? You and I must accept Jesus as God’s peace to the world. We must realize the world’s peace and God’s peace are not the same. True peace comes when we follow Jesus and not our own wishes or wants.

I don’t have to be worried because Jesus is my peace. I don’t have to be jealous because Jesus is my peace. I don’t have to be angry because Jesus is my peace. He has sent the Holy Spirit to live in me. I just need to keep in step with Him as He leads me into the peace He has for me in Jesus’ name.
Sources:Christian Post

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