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‘Catastrophic’ flooding in Tennessee: 21 dead, 20 missing



The family of six woke Saturday to floods bursting into their new duplex, relatives said. The water outside was up to their chests. Soon it tore them apart.

Danielle Hall, 25, was swept to a tree, where she clung for hours, waiting to be rescued, family members said. Her partner, Matt Rigney, tried to grab their four children, but a current pulled them away.

Two of the young children resurfaced unscathed, said their grandparents, who heard the story later. But Hall and Rigney’s 7-month-old twins never came up.

They are among 21 known victims of the historic rain and flash flooding that swept central Tennessee on Saturday, devastating the small city of Waverly, about 60 miles west of Nashville. Receding waters left behind wrecked homes, flipped cars and a list of about 20 people whose whereabouts remained unknown. Rescuers were still searching for the missing as nightfall approached Sunday.

“It is a devastating picture of loss and heartache,” Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee (R) said during an afternoon news conference.

In the early hours of the disaster, families desperate for answers filled Facebook groups and comment chains with the names of their missing loved ones. Authorities circulated the names of about 45 people feared missing, trimming it after some were found safe. Amid a widespread loss of power and cellphone service, “folks were just having trouble getting a hold of their loved ones,” Waverly Chief of Public Safety Grant Gillespie said.

The extreme weather hobbled communication and movement, making it difficult for first responders to reach people who needed help. Authorities said the death toll might have been higher if not for the efforts of community members who made rescues on their own.

The Tennessee Emergency Management Agency (TEMA) called the torrential rain and flooding “catastrophic.” One observation site recorded 17 inches of rain in 24 hours, blowing past the state’s nearly 14-inch record set in 1982, a meteorologist said. A flash flood watch issued Friday quickly became a “flash flood emergency” Saturday as some people yelled for help from their rooftops while others found themselves trapped in vehicles.

Flash flood emergency alerts are saved for “the most dire circumstances,” said National Weather Service meteorologist Krissy Hurley, who said Sunday that Waverly had been “pretty much underwater.” “Yesterday was definitely one of them.”

The destruction unfolded as other extreme weather events around the country stoke concerns that the changing climate is making natural disasters more frequent and more intense. The Northeast braced for an unrelated pummeling from Tropical Storm Henri, which was downgraded to a depression Sunday night after it made landfall; the West is battling wildfires; and flooding in North Carolina recently left several people dead. Although Hurley could not say whether climate change played a role in the devastation in Tennessee, she said the area has been battered by three fearsome floods in less than a year. The last one, in March, was also deadly.

“This is unusual,” she said, calling the weekend’s rains more reminiscent of a hurricane on the coast than a flash flood in central Tennessee. A thunderstorm kept hitting the same spots, she said, and “when you get that amount of rainfall in a short amount of time, you are going to have devastating consequences.”

Chris Davis, the sheriff in hard-hit Humphreys County, offered a mix of sorrow and resolve Sunday.

“Small town, small community. We know each other, we love each other,” he told local TV station News 4 Nashville in an interview. One of his best friends drowned, he said.

“It’s tough, but we’re going to move forward,” he said. “I slow down and I talk about it, and I get emotional. If I stay — you know, if I stay working and focused, we work through it.”

President Biden said he has spoken with Tennessee’s governor and stands “ready to offer them support.”

Joey Hall, the grandfather of the two 7-month-olds, said his daughter called him, worrying about how she would afford to bury her babies. The young couple had lost nearly everything — and even before the floods swept through, they were spread thin, said Hall and his wife, Jeanna Hall, who live about an hour’s drive from Waverly in Ashland City, Tenn.

Joey Hall said his daughter’s family had recently moved into their duplex weeks ago, seeking somewhere closer to relatives — and cheaper, as they tried to get by on Rigney’s factory night-shift salary.

Danielle Hall got to hold her deceased children briefly in the hospital before they were taken away, the family said. The twins were reportedly found together.

“Every time they’d put them apart in the bed, they would cry,” said their grandfather, who is in his 40s. “You put them next to each other, they’re holding each other’s hands and arms. Sweetest thing I’ve ever seen.”

Sunday was full of tears as person after person called to offer help. A GoFundMe drive for the family has raised more than $30,000.

“God is good,” said Jeanna Hall, 38. “He sees us hurting, and how broke we are right now.”

By Sunday, the waters had receded, and the torrential rain had given way to showers. But officials were still pleading for caution and announced an 8 p.m. curfew.

TEMA said more than 10,000 customers in the storm area lacked power. Teams were still working after conducting more than 20 rescues and evacuations Saturday and searching about 100 homes and 25 businesses, the agency said. Waverly, home to several thousand people, reported that its water treatment facility was down, and residents there and in nearby Bon Aqua were told to boil their drinking water.

Authorities said the number of deaths could climb as the search effort continues.

“I would expect, given the number of fatalities we’ve seen so far, that we’re going to see mostly recovery efforts at this point, rather than rescue efforts,” TEMA Director Patrick Sheehan said during a news conference.

Other counties affected include Dickson, Hickman and Houston, according to TEMA. The sheriffs in those counties have yet to report fatalities but had urged people to stay home as they warned of downed trees and roads made impassable by water and debris.

The disaster came on quickly. Staffers stranded in the gym of an elementary school asked for prayers Saturday. A slew of agencies responded: The Tennessee National Guard said Sunday that it was flying medics and other first responders into “impassable areas” as troops roamed below in vehicles equipped for high-water rescues.

Waverly Mayor Wallace “Buddy” Frazier said in an interview that two employees in a city building put a couch on a conference table to escape the rising waters, while the director of schools headed to the roof. He said another man called his wife and “all he could say was ‘I love you.’ ”

“That’s how violent and sudden a force it was,” Frazier told The Washington Post.

Entire houses were swept away, he said: “Sometimes I’ll see a house and I’m trying to think in my mind, ‘Now where was that house?’ ”

“I just was not prepared to see the kind of devastation that we have here,” the mayor added. “I just in my wildest dreams couldn’t have dreamed that we’d have that type of damage.”

A 20-minute drive from Waverly, in McEwen, Tenn., Tamara Woodward said she and her boyfriend woke up early Saturday to strong rain but “didn’t think much of it” at first. Then her boyfriend tried to get to the farm he runs next door. He couldn’t get through the driveway, Woodward said.

They stayed inside all day as the news grew more dire. Alerts pinged on their phones; they saw a picture of a car floating by and listened to sirens. “We’ve lived here three years, and yeah, we’ve seen the creek rise maybe three times. … But nothing like this,” Woodward said.

They were not immune to the damage — their basement flooded and their farm fences toppled — but they feel intensely lucky, Woodward said. As soon as they could, they brought supplies down to donation centers, including bags of clothes, masks and sanitizer, because Woodward worries about another threat: the spread of the coronavirus.

“We’re mostly focused on just helping the people of Waverly,” she said.

When she read about the 7-month-olds, she burst into tears.

Another woman told local news station WKRN that her 2-year-old nephew, Kellen Burrow Vaughn, was also swept away and missing.

McEwen High School’s gym is acting as a reunification center, officials said, and three churches in Waverly are offering shelter: Waverly Church of Christ, First Baptist Church and Compassion Church.

“It absolutely looks like a war zone,” said Kristen Ellis Horton, who said her briefly missing family friend in Waverly was found okay. “So many people displaced. So many people have nothing.”

“This flood happened so quick. … No one was prepared,” she told.


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How former atheist Ayaan Hirsi Ali found peace in Christ



When you hear the term New Atheism, you may think of Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins. But you are probably less familiar with Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who stood right by their side in strongly denouncing Christianity. This influential scholar and intellectual was essentially the fifth most prominent new atheist behind Hitchens, Dawkins, Sam Harris and Daniel Dennett.

Hirsi Ali was raised as a Muslim in Somalia. But she eventually began to oppose forced marriage, honor killing, child marriage, and female genital mutilation. Ayaan renounced her Islamic faith and became an atheist. She moved to the Netherlands at the age of 23 and rose to become a top-ranking politician.

Hirsi Ali’s books, Infidel: My Life (2007) and Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now (2015) became bestsellers. But rejecting Islam and embracing atheism still left her soul feeling empty, in spite of the fact that “Hirsi Ali was a central figure in New Atheism since its beginnings.”

Last year, Hirsi Ali announced that she had become a Christian, which of course shocked her atheist friends. But it wasn’t intellectual arguments that ultimately convinced Hirsi Ali to embrace Christianity. It was what happened when she humbled herself before the God of the universe. Hirsi Ali prayed fervently and cried out to the Lord for help.

In a friendly discussion & debate with Richard Dawkins a few months ago, Ayaan explained her journey: “I had a personal crisis … I lived for about a decade with intense depression and anxiety, self-loathing. I hit rock bottom. I went to a place where I actually didn’t want to live anymore, but I wasn’t brave enough to take my own life. I was self-medicating. Over a long period of time, I saw psychiatrists and other doctors. I was trying to understand my condition and I was trying to treat it with the help of pure evidence-based science.”

Hirsi Ali continued, “I saw one therapist who said, ‘Perhaps you have something else.’ She described it as ‘spiritual bankruptcy,’ and that resonated with me. And having reached a place where I had absolutely nothing to lose, I prayed, and I prayed desperately. And for me, that was a turning point. And what happened after that is a miracle in its own right.”

Hirsi Ali learned the painful lesson that Islam provides no inner peace, but only brutality and fear, especially for women and young girls. Likewise, she discovered firsthand that atheism also leaves your soul feeling empty. Ayaan was terribly unfulfilled, in spite of her close friendships with Hitchens, Dawkins, Harris and Dennett. Atheism simply did not satisfy the deep longings within her, and even brought her to the brink of suicide.

Dawkins finds it next to impossible to see where Hirsi Ali is coming from today. She has tried to help him understand that there are “different planes of perception.” She compares it to her inability to perceive the significance of Jackson Pollock’s abstract impressionist art. Where one person perceives brilliance, another is left perplexed as to its beauty.

Hirsi Ali said, “When I was an atheist, I was going all over the United States and Europe, mocking Christians, making fun of them, making fun of faith, as you’re doing now dear Richard. I was walking with six to seven men at any given time, protecting me, armed, from things that I said that were offensive to Muslims. Christians were writing me letters saying, ‘We’re going to pray for you. You are misguided.’ And I think that alone defines for me the distinction between mainstream Christianity and mainstream Islam.”

Hirsi Ali is learning that not only does Christ bring peace to your soul when you accept Him as Savior, but Jesus actually turns His followers into peace-loving people who pray for their enemies, rather than taking up arms against them.

Dawkins asked Hirsi Ali, “You don’t believe Jesus rose from the dead, surely?” She said, “I choose to believe that Jesus rose from the dead.” Every follower of Christ believes in the Lord’s death on the cross for our sins, as well as His resurrection from the dead. Hirsi Ali then said, “It has to go back to, ‘Is there something or is there nothing?'” Dawkins obviously believes there is nothing, which is precisely what his ideology provides for those who choose atheism. Hirsi Ali admitted, “For years I agreed with you that there is nothing.”

Dawkins chose to blurt out this sarcastic and blasphemous comment about Christianity: “The idea that God couldn’t think of a better way to forgive the sins of humanity than to have His Son crucified. That is a disgusting idea.”

How can Dawkins remain so blind to the truth? He is hardening his heart and deliberating sinning against the Holy Spirit by continually rejecting God’s plan of salvation. Sadly, Dawkins may have already reached his personal point of no return. Many wondered the same thing about Hitchens, which I addressed in a CP op-ed earlier this year: “Christopher Hitchens Now Realizes God is Great.”

How are we to understand these different planes of perception? The Apostle Paul explained it this way: “The man without the (Holy) Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them” (1 Corinthians 2:14). “The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God” (1 Corinthians 1:18).

Richard Dawkins remains on a much lower plane of perception than Hirsi Ali. The only way to gain what I refer to as “sanctified reason” is to do what Hirsi Ali did when she humbled herself before Almighty God in prayer. It requires humility to “repent and believe the good news” (Mark 1:15). When Dawkins referred to Christ’s crucifixion as a “disgusting idea,” Hirsi Ali gently responded, “God gave us free will.”

By the grace of God, Hirsi Ali was “rescued from the dominion of darkness and brought into the kingdom of the Son, He (the Father) loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins” (Colossians 1:13-14). And there is no greater peace than having a relationship with your Creator and knowing that your sins are forgiven and washed away by the blood of Jesus Christ who “died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God” (1 Peter 3:18).
Sources:Christian Post

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ഒക്കലഹോമ ശാരോൻ സിൽവർ ജൂബിലി മീറ്റിംഗും സൗത്ത് റീജിയൻ കൺവൻഷനും.



ഒക്കലഹോമ : ഒക്കലഹോമ ശാരോൻ ഫെല്ലോഷിപ്പ് ചർച്ച് സിൽവർ ജൂബിലി മീറ്റിംഗും ശാരോൻ നോർത്ത് അമേരിക്ക സൗത്ത് റീജിയൻ കൺവൻഷനും ഒക്ടോബർ 25 മുതൽ 27 വരെ ഒക്കലഹോമ ശാരോൻ സഭാഹാളിൽ നടക്കും.
പാസ്റ്റർമാരായ റ്റിങ്കു തോമസ് (പ്രസിഡന്റ്), ജോൺസൻ ഉമ്മൻ (സെക്രട്ടറി), ജോസഫ് റ്റി ജോസഫ്, ബാബു തോമസ്, ജോയ് തോമസ്, സ്റ്റീഫൻ വർഗീസ്, പ്രകാശ് മാത്യു, റെൻ റെന്നി, സിബിൻ അലക്സ്,എന്നിവർ മുഖ്യാതിഥികൾ ആയിരിക്കുമെന്ന് റീജിയൻ കോഓർഡിനേറ്റർ പാസ്റ്റർ തേജസ് പി തോമസ് അറിയിച്ചു.
സിൽവർ ജൂബിലി ആഘോഷം ഒക്ടോബർ 26 ശനിയാഴ്ച രാവിലെ 10 മുതൽ 12 വരെ നടക്കുമെന്ന് സഭ സെക്രട്ടറി വർഗീസ് ജേക്കബ് അറിയിച്ചു. റീജിയൻ കൺവെൻഷൻ വെള്ളി, ശനി ദിവസങ്ങളിൽ വൈകിട്ട് 7 മുതൽ 9 വരെ നടക്കും. ഞായറാഴ്ച നടക്കുന്ന റീജിയണിലെ സഭകളുടെ സംയുക്തസഭായോഗത്തോടെ സമ്മേളനം അവസാനിക്കും.
സമ്മേളനത്തിന് സൗത്ത് റീജിയൻ കമ്മിറ്റിയും, SFCNA കമ്മിറ്റിയും സഭ കമ്മിറ്റിയും നേതൃത്വം നൽകും. പാസ്റ്റർ സിബിൻ അലക്സ് റീജിയൻ റീജിയൻ ക്വയറിനു നേതൃത്വം നൽകും
Sources:Middleeast Christian Youth Ministries

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Pastor arrested for ‘illegal worship’ advocates for Evangelical churches forcibly closed in Algeria



Algerian Pastor Youssef Ourahmane, arrested and sentenced for leading worship services in his home country, recently shared his experience, highlighting the ongoing repression of religious minorities in Algeria.

At an event hosted by the legal group ADF International, Youssef, a Christian convert and leader in the Protestant Church of Algeria, advocated for religious freedom and the reopening of Evangelical churches forcibly closed by Algerian authorities.

He recounted his arrest and conviction for the so-called crime of “illegal worship.”

“We have had a lot of opposition,” he told the audience. “By 2019, most of the Evangelical churches in our country had been shut down. When the churches were closed, a lot of the Christians felt that something was gone in their Christian faith because the building had been part of their identity.”

Born into a Muslim family, Youssef converted to Christianity as a student and has been leading congregations for over 30 years. Despite legal challenges and personal risk, he remains steadfast in his faith.

When asked why he is willing to face imprisonment, he responded, “God knows the number of my hairs on my head, and none fall without His will. We have to accept God’s will, and God’s sovereignty. I try my best, by His grace, to be a good testimony to others.”

On July 2, 2023, Pastor Youssef was sentenced to two years in prison and fined 100,000 Algerian dinars ($750) for leading the Emmanuel Church in Algeria. Although his prison sentence was reduced to one year in November 2023, the Court of Appeal in Tizi Ouzou upheld his conviction in May and added an additional six months of suspended prison time.

“Despite their small numbers, Algeria has systematically been working to prevent the Evangelical community from being able to simply worship together,” said Kelsey Zorzi, director of advocacy for global religious freedom for ADF International, during the event. “Pastor Youssef’s case is one of roughly 50 spurious cases against Christians in the past few years. His advocacy throughout the years on behalf of the entire Evangelical church in Algeria, even in the face of potential imprisonment, is an inspiration.”

ADF International says it’s collaborating with other non-governmental organizations to support Youssef, aiming to raise his case with government officials from over 40 countries. “The United States and the international community must take a strong stand against the unlawful church closures and unjustified arrests and imprisonments of pastors,” Zorzi said.

Algeria, a nation where 99% of the nearly 43 million population identify as Sunni Muslim, has seen increased restrictions on religious minorities. The government enforces laws that limit religious freedom and expression, including blasphemy and anti-proselytism statutes targeting Christians and other minorities, according to ADF International.

Since 2019, authorities have forcibly closed 43 churches affiliated with the Église Protestante d’Algérie (EPA), leaving only one open, according to ADF International. Security police, acting on orders from the Ministry of Interior, have cited alleged “health and safety” code violations to justify locking church doors and declaring worship inside illegal.

“In one case, they physically beat a pastor in front of his young child because he was peacefully protesting the closure of his church,” ADF International reported.

Youssef has also faced baseless criminal prosecutions since 2008 for his peaceful Christian activities. He is among 50 Christians convicted under vague offenses such as “shaking the faith” of Muslims, illegal worship or embezzling tithing donations.

“In the 1970s, the government gave out licenses to churches which were largely full of expats,” Youssef explained at the event. “Today, the government is concerned that our churches are almost entirely filled with large numbers of Algerian converts.”

The crackdown has also affected small house congregations.

According to 21 Wilberforce, “The government mandates they can only have 10 people per gathering, forcing many house churches to operate underground. Church leaders who continue to hold services in Algeria are threatened, and several have been arrested and prosecuted by the government.”

Open Doors International reported that only four out of 47 churches under the Evangelical Protestant Church of Algeria remained open at the end of 2023.

“Christianity’s long history in Algeria is threatened,” stated 21 Wilberforce. “As the government closes churches and slows down the registration process for religious groups, Algerian Christians are finding life increasingly difficult.”

The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom has recommended that Algeria be included on the U.S. Department of State’s “Special Watch List” for severe violations of religious freedom. In its 2024 Annual Report, USCIRF highlighted the escalating repression of religious minorities in Algeria.

Violations of the rights of religious minorities contravene both international and domestic law, according to ADF International.
Sources:Christian Post

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